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Alice twirled her fingers delicately through FP's hair. He was still peacefully sleeping and it was adorable to her to see his cheek squashed into the pillow the way it was. The day was still very early so she wasn't expecting him to wake up anytime soon. Yet he did.

He peeked his eye open. "Good morning, handsome." Alice whispered to him. There was a little giggle in there that came from the joy of waking up next to him every morning.

"Good morning, baby." FP smiled. He closed his eyes and wrapped an arm over her, pulling her closer to him. He let the blanket plop over them. He loved to cuddle with her under the covers. "Why don't we just stay here all day today?" He groggily asked.

"We could but we have kids," She chuckled, knowing all too well how the girls would not let them hide in the bedroom all day.

"Then we don't have kids today."

She playfully smacked his shoulder. He let out a chuckle. "Worth a try." He nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck. "Let's just stay in bed."

"Don't you want breakfast?" Alice yawned.

"See you're tired too," FP smirked. "Sounds to me like staying in bed is a viable option after all."

"Maybe just a few more minutes," Alice gave in. She was enjoying this, whether she was going to admit it or not.

"Good," FP moved his head to look at her. "Just-" He connected their lips with a kiss. "-like this." Alice smiled against his lips. It made FP smile too. He pecked another kiss on her lips before she pressed her head against his chest. He wrapped his other arm securely around her too. She relaxed to the sound of his heart. "Al?"


"I was talking to Charles the other day," His voice sounded much happier at the mention. "I brought up how cool his old man was back in the day."

"You were not cool," Alice teased even though her voice was muffled against his chest.

FP playfully gasped, "So we're forgetting how I single handedly beat the Baxter Ravens now, huh?"

"Oh, that was you?"

"The one and only, babe. Satisfying you wasn't my only talent."

"You did not just say that," She giggled.

"But I did," He smirked. "And I'd be more than happy to help you remember if you'd like."

"Maybe you can remind me later."

"It would be an honor." FP firmly stated. "Anyway, back to Charles. I'm going to teach him how to ride my bike."

"You're what?" She peeked up at him.

"He wants to learn how to ride a motorcycle. God, you should have seen the thrill in his eyes when I told him all about my joy rides."

"Be careful with my baby, Forsythe. If he gets as much as a tiny scratch you're selling that thing."

"He'll be fine, honey. Jughead picked it up real quick. I mean even Betty got the hang of it in the blink of an eye."

"Betty? You put her on one of those things?"

"No, Jughead taught her." He specifically pointed out. He didn't want to be the FP in trouble. "But don't worry, I was supervising, of course." FP laughed at the memory. "You would have killed to see my boy running after her once she got the hang of it. He would yell, Betty! Betty! Wait up! You're too far! My bike!"

"I can't believe my daughter knows how to ride."

"I can. You were mean on one of those things."

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