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The holiday season had finally arrived and the Jones-Smith residence was more than ready to get festive. The house was full of Christmas decor. Starting with the giant Christmas tree in the corner of the living room to the stockings hung above the fireplace.

FP was knelt down in front of said fireplace to try to get the fire grow. He stood back up when he felt the warmth flowing around. "There we go."

"Perfect," Alice smiled.

He walked over to her on the couch and took a seat beside her. "Looks like you're almost done." Alice had been crocheting little animals for her grandchildren. "Just in time because the giraffe over there was getting lonely." FP glanced over at Juniper's stocking. Dagwood's was still waiting for an elephant companion.

"Doesn't it look adorable?" Alice proudly held up her work. "I hope they like them. Cheryl said they're their favorite animals."

"Look at you being a grandma." He meant it endearingly. He loved the look on her face when she got excited about making the twins their little animals.

"Don't make me feel old," She pouted. The twins were just shy of turning three years old. Thinking about it reminded her of how everyone was getting older.

"Hey, you make a sexy grandma." FP took her into his arms. She moved her head to look up at him. "Sexy?"

"Drop dead gorgeous, babe."

"I like the sound of that."

"And I like calling you mine," FP tightened his arms around her. "It's too bad I have to share you with the kids. I want you all to myself." He snuck kisses down her neck.

"Uh huh, well that's how we ended up with Charles."

"Two good things came out of that scenario. First being our boy, of course. The second being where we are now."

"Things are great, aren't they?" Alice liked the thought of where their relationship wound up. It was rewarding to finally be this happy.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," FP pulled her into a kiss. They giggled when their lips met.

Jellybean came down the stairs and caught them making out on the couch. "Child in the room!" The couple pulled back and turned their gaze towards the girl. "Is it safe to look now?"

"Jellybelly, don't be ridiculous."

Jellybean removed her hands from her face. "Can I talk to Alice?" She asked insecurely. They hadn't really spent that much time alone together, so this was new.

FP looked at her to see if that was okay with that, which she was. "Yeah, sure." They were both curious as to why that was. "I'll let you girls talk." FP pecked a kiss on Alice's cheek before he excused himself. He pecked another on the top of Jellybean's head before he went up the stairs.

Alice patted the spot next to her. Jellybean shyly went to her. "What did you want to talk about, dear?"

"I..." She stopped briefly. "This is my first year not spending Christmas with my mom and it feels weird. I spent the last four Christmases without my dad and now I'm here. I don't know why I feel weird and it's not like I can tell him that."

"JB, it's okay to feel weird." Alice put a hand on her knee and gave it a small reassuring squeeze. "It's your first Christmas back here with your father and brother. To be honest, we feel nervous too. This is our first Christmas ever together with you kids. It's the first Christmas any of us get to spend with Charles, too. Is there anything you're worried about? Is that what it is?"

"I don't know. The thought of getting a real Christmas this year felt so strange. Yeah, when Jug and I were little we had our own little Christmas with our parents at the trailer. But like this?" She looked around the whole room. "Never."

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