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***For anyone who decided not to read the author's note:

BOOK #1 of the JACKSON SERIES. This book and series may give you a damsel in distress / chicklit / fast love vibe.

If you do not enjoy books of these genres please do not go onto read my books only to fill the comment section with repetitive complaints about the characters/the plot. I am giving you notice beforehand. If you expect something different I'm sure you can find many other amazing books that will be better suited to your interests. ***

Chapter One - Lost & Found

The sound of my panting is in sync with my rushed footsteps as I make my way through the city's streets, ducking into any alleyway I can find which thankfully guides me deeper into the city instead of a dead end. My breaths are visible in the chilly night and the wind blowing through my light brown hair makes them fly about wildly.

I groan when my arm scrapes a stone corner as I round it, but I can't stop to inspect the area which is starting to sting quite painfully. I must keep going. I must get away.

The streetlamps illuminate the deserted road for me but there's not one person in sight. I jump out of my skin in fright at the sound of his yell from behind. I sprint faster with the hope that the darkness ahead will blanket me in time before he catches up and drags me back to my personal hell.

Tears of fright and frustration brim my eyes, blurring my sight. But the determination to be finally free keeps me moving forward. It has been a grueling year and enough is enough. When I found my chance, I didn't hesitate to take it. And now, here I am running for my life.

Just as I slip around a corner into another street I press myself against the wall to catch a breath. His faint screams and threats reach my ears, shaking me to my very core at the thought of him catching me.

And so, I run through the narrow street and into yet another deserted road. Looking around wildly I worry my bottom lip when I can't find a taxi in sight. I know well no one would be willing to let a stranger hitchhike at this hour, certainly not when they happen to take a good look at my appearance.

Walking on a few steps I finally spot a wine-red pickup truck parked at a gas station with supplies filled in the back. A moment of desperation hits me, urging me to go to any extreme that will save my life. It's a do or die at this point.

I rush forward and swing myself over the truck before noticing a worn looking piece of fabric. Picking it up I slip underneath and hide myself, making sure that I'm fully covered. Where I'm laying is right in the middle so there are supplies all around me and hiding my huddled figure from view.

I lay perfectly still and hold my breath when a familiar voice yells out my name in the distance. My heart rate spikes as I panic. Willing myself to calm down I take slow and even breaths. In a matter of minutes, I'm completely silent and still as I listen to him yell out another threat but this time he's much closer.

However, my concentration is broken by the sound of footsteps making their way towards the pickup truck. I wait with bated breath to see if the people will come around to the back and find me but the two men, from what I can judge with their deep baritones, simply open the doors of the truck and hop in.

The engine starts with a low growl before the sound of teasing and laughter floats to my ears. The vehicle lurches gently and makes its way down the street. When it's safe to do so I peek out from under the makeshift blanket to see the stars twinkling above with the occasional houses and streetlamps passing on either side.

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