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Chapter Twenty-Four - Captured

Ella White's P.O.V.

Before we arrived at wherever Seth was holding me hostage he stopped thirty minutes away and blindfolded me so that I couldn't see. I feel the car come to a stop again and this time he kills the engine. He then takes off the rope binding my ankles and roughly grabs me from the car before dragging me behind him. Shoving me forward we walk ahead and I hear a door unlock and open before he pushes me inside.

I lose my balance and fall to the floor but in an instant I'm snatched up and dragged forward. I plead with him to let me go but my begging falls on deaf ears. I hear him open another door before pulling me inside and pushing me into a chair. I feel the familiar roughness of the rope being tied around my ankles again. No matter how hard I struggle it never seems like enough.

I cry out when the tape plastered to my lips is ripped off without mercy. He takes off my blindfold and turns on the light which makes me hiss in pain when my eyes sting, sore from crying. I blink to adjust to the brightness before slowly looking up at my tormentor.

Seth Morgan.

He looks immaculate as always and is dressed in a white button up, black slacks with shiny shoes. His blonde hair is combed back and his eyes glint deviously as he drags a chair over to sit opposite me. Silence ensues as we stare at each other, waiting for the other to speak.

"You've been doing well, Isabella." He drawls and his head tilts as his eyes roam my skin. Skin that now holds healed and faded white scars of what once had been the tell-tale signs of his abuse. "We must change that." 

My head snaps up to stare at him in horror before anger courses through my veins at his words. How can someone be so cruel? "Why are you doing this?! Let me go!"

He stands and circles my chair which only makes my heart beat faster. Coming to a stop behind me he bends so his lips brush my ear when he speaks again. "You were once so obedient Bella, the perfect housewife."

"I was your hostage! You kept me locked up so you could get my money – ah!" I cry out in shock from the harsh punch I receive to my cheek.

He fists my hair in his hand tightly and I bite my lip in pain. His eyes are that of a crazed animal having lost their grip on reality as they stare into mine. It's like he's urging me to submit to him, to bend to his every will.

"I'll forgive you for running away but it's time you come back home. I've had enough of this nonsense, Isabella." He mutters while he strokes my cheek with a reminiscent look in his eyes. "Just come with me willingly and your punishment won't be as severe."

"You're crazy! I will never go back with you!" I shout hysterically but feel like I'm hitting a dead end.

In a flash his fingers wrap around my neck which makes me gasp. His grip tightens significantly and I struggle to breathe as I feel my airways become blocked. He chokes me to the point where I find my eyes closing and my heart beat slowing. And then he releases me, letting oxygen fill my lungs again. I gasp and cough, wanting to reach out and soothe my poor throat. Tears slip down my cheeks hot and fast as I stare up at him in hate. He's a monster. A coldblooded, heartless monster.

"Bella." He sighs sadly before shaking his head. "Why do you always make me hurt you? Can you not see that if you behaved I would treat you like a queen?"

I remain silent and watch as he stands before making his way to the door of the basement. He's completely deluded! He turns to look at me one last time and the way his eyes roam over my figure with a devilish glint makes me sick. But what he says next has dread settling deep within my bones.

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