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Chapter Twenty-Five - Free Bird

I wake up with a jolt because of a loud bang. Blinking drowsily, it takes my eyes a little while to adjust to my surroundings...which are pitch black. I vaguely remember waking up at one point to see that we were in what looked like an airport. I was so out of it then and by the time Seth dragged me inside the plane and set me down in my seat I was out like a light again.

My head snaps to the side when a light turns on and a soft whimper escapes me when Seth tilts the torch towards his face. He opens the door of the car and pulls me out. My wrists are tied behind my back once more and he grips my arm a little too tightly as he drags me towards a dilapidated looking cabin. I look around to see nothing but trees upon trees surrounding us. My hope of being rescued shatters as I realize we're in the middle of nowhere. How will anybody find me here now? I think to myself in frustration.

"S-Seth..." I croak hoarsely but yelp when he throws me to the floor once we get inside.

"Shut up!" He yells as he locks the door. "They're on our fucking trail and I have nowhere to go! Fuck!"

I feel the shattered pieces of my crushed hope glue itself together at his words. Ryder is coming! He's really coming! I think to myself with relief. I watch Seth visibly shiver from the cold and proceed to start a fire. There's already wood, coal and matches sitting by the fireplace and as I look around I notice food, blankets along with some tools. I immediately realize that Seth had planned to take me to this cabin from the start and had prepared it in advance for our arrival.

"This is all your fucking fault!" He suddenly sneers before marching over to me. I cry out and scoot back into the corner of the room but he grabs my ankle and pulls me forward. "If you hadn't ran away in the first place and filed a case against me I wouldn't be out here in the damn woods hiding from the fucking police and your pathetic boyfriend!"

"Just let me go then!" I scream back and he makes a loud noise of frustration before tugging at his hair harshly.

"You are mine!" He roars and I cry out in pain when he fists my hair in his grip and yanks my head back. "You belong to me and it's time I remind you!"

"Get off me! Help!" I scream as I struggle to kick him off me.

I thrash and kick him as hard as I can in his groin when he tries to tie me to the foot of the bed. He curses heatedly before punching me hard in the cheek. I sob at the pain but don't stop struggling against him. He eventually succeeds in tying my wrists to the foot of the bed before unbuttoning his pants.

My screams echo in the cabin and I plead with him not to do this, to let me go. Even the reminder that the police are searching for him doesn't stop him. He tugs my jeans off before grabbing an ankle when I kick at his face and abdomen. I continue to kick and thrash against him as he tries to force himself on me. He yells at me to stop and punches me anywhere he can find as he struggles to get on top of me.

I almost cry out in relief when I hear a car pulling up outside and lights shining through the windows. Seth stills and his eyes widen when he realizes someone has found us. I hear doors open and close before footsteps rush in the direction of the cabin.

"Help! Someone help me!" I scream louder until my throat is hoarse.

The door slams open and hits the wall with a murderous Ryder Jackson standing at the threshold. His stormy eyes zero in on Seth and if possible, they darken even more. With an enraged yell he lunges at Seth and pulls him off me before throwing him at the wall with force. I scoot back to the bed and hug my shaking body as Roman enters the room. He takes in my cowering form in the corner and immediately rushes to me before wrapping his jacket around me.

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