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Chapter Twenty - Hope

Everything has gone back to normal when Ryder and I returned from Canada a week ago...or as normal as it can be. We haven't talked since. There's still heavy tension between us that I can't even stand being in the same room as him. I can tell he feels the same way because either I will make up some excuse to leave or he will. Everyone else has noticed it too but thankfully nobody has questioned me. How embarrassing would it be to explain that Ryder kissed me and then said it was a mistake.

I've thrown myself completely into work and helping Theo with the horse-riding lessons. I only catch glimpses of Ryder when he takes Knight to the lake or works here and there on the ranch. There's still a heavy weight on my chest and I just want things to go back to the way they were. But it's wishful thinking.

Other than that, a date in May has arrived for my court hearing and it's put me on edge since I'll be seeing Seth again. But I'm also just ready to prove that he's a monster and have him thrown behind bars for all that he's done to me. I'm so ready to put my past behind me and never look back.

Sighing, I make my way out of Evan's office when I've finished my work. I greet Noah who has just walked inside an hour early from school. He throws his backpack on the couch and sidles up to me at the kitchen island before grabbing the glass of water I had poured for myself. After guzzling it down he smiles sheepishly before pouring me a glass.

"Hey." I shake my head with a smile. "What are you doing home early?"

"My last two classes were music but the teacher left her job so, they were cancelled." He replies and my interest piques at his words.

"Music, huh?"

"Yeah and now the school is looking for a new teacher." He shrugs before grinning wickedly. "Less homework for me!"

I roll my eyes with a laugh, of course he would be happy about that. But as he leaves for his room his words have me thinking. I've always wanted to be a music teacher and now there's a chance. Maybe I should give it a shot and apply? I think to myself. So, with butterflies fluttering crazily in my tummy I head back to Evan's office.

"Evan..." I call nervously with my fingers tightening on the hem of my dress. "Can I talk to you, please?"

"Sure." He smiles and gestures to the seat by his desk. "What's wrong?"

"Well, Noah told me how the town's school is searching for a new music teacher and I wanted to apply. Would that be okay with you?" I bite my lip as I stare at him with apprehension.

"Of course!" He grins which makes my eyes widen in surprise.

"A-Are you sure?"

"One-hundred percent." He nods with a smile and a happy glint in his eyes. "We've all heard you playing the piano and that kind of talent should not go to waste in my eyes so apply right away."

One day Roman had asked me to play the piano and I ended up surprising the rest of the family with a few melodies. I told them about my musical background, my mother being a music teacher and my education at Julliard. Ever since then they've asked me to play every now and again.

"Thank you so much!" I beam as hope courses through me. "I'll still help you when I can, I promise!"

"Oh, don't worry about that!" He chuckles and hugs me back when I round the desk.

I leave the room feeling incredibly happy and rush up to my bedroom. I power on my laptop and search the school's website. After finding the job advertisement I fill in my details and submit with slight hesitation. Now it's just a waiting game. I close my laptop and am just about to get up for a shower when Michelle steps into my room. Dread instantly fills me when I catch her expression and I can instantly tell what she's going to ask me.

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