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Chapter Three - Trust Issues

Ryder Jackson's P.O.V.

"Who is she and what is she doing here?" I ask straight away as I slam the door shut behind me.

I can't get that woman out my mind. Especially the memory of her being terrified of me. Finding an unfamiliar person on our land didn't sit well with me so, naturally I wanted to find out what she was doing here. I didn't mean to sneak up on her, it seemed like she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings anyways.

But the second she turned around I was mesmerized. She reaches my shoulder but I still tower over her by a good few inches. Her slender body is slightly malnourished, something which I don't like. The woman has striking emerald eyes with dark brown hair and soft features. But what angers me is all the bruises and cuts I saw on her face and arms.

"Her name is Ella White. Theo and Noah got back from Houston yesterday morning and found her in the trunk. She ran away from someone –" The last sentence captures my attention and my blood starts boiling instantly. I have a feeling my family has done something which I won't like.

"How long is she going to be here?" I cut my father off and my eyes narrow when Roman doesn't meet my suspicious gaze.

"We've offered her a place to stay. She'll be helping me out in the office now that Bethany has left." He arches a brow when I open my mouth, as if daring me to protest.

"We're not some shelter offering places to anyone who comes across the ranch!" I seethe because I do not trust my family's decision one bit.

"Calm down, boy!" My father orders before running a hand over his face tiredly. "I know you're not too trusting after what happened with –"

"Don't you dare mention that bitch!" I snarl before standing immediately.

"Ryder!" Roman shoots me a stern look, telling me with his eyes that I needed to calm down.

I shake my head before storming towards the door. I'm done with this conversation. "One day you'll see that I'm right when she shows her true colors."

I leave the office with my chest heaving in anger. I hate how much of a reaction I gave the second I heard her name. It seems like the wound is still raw after all these years. Why can't I just forget and move on with my life? I think to myself. Sighing, I glance up only to see my mother staring at me. She smiles before opening her arms up. My lips quirk slightly and I shake my head before making my way over to her because I know she'll raise hell if I protest.

"I missed you, son." She speaks gently while patting my back before letting me go.

"I was gone for two days, ma." I grumble and cry out in shock when she swats the back of my head. "What was that for?!"

"What's this I hear about you scaring poor Ella?" She narrows her eyes at me with a protective glint in her eyes.

"Oh, so she already tattled did she?" I sneer as I look around for the petite brunette.

"Nope, I did." Noah pops out from the kitchen with a mischievous grin. "Good to see you, brother."

"You little brat!" I snap, wanting to strangle him.

"Ryder!" My mother exclaims with a hint of anger in her tone. "You will be nice to the girl! I did not raise my son to treat a woman like that!"

"She got scared! I didn't do anything except ask her what she was doing on our land!" I protest, feeling angry at how my family are taking her side instead of hearing me out.

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