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Chapter Five - Secrets

I walk into the hospital alongside the three brothers the next day and notice Evan waiting for us by the reception. He smiles tiredly as we make our way to him before letting us know that Noah is recovering just fine and is awake now in room 304. Michelle walks out a moment later with the same tired features as her husband. Wanting to take showers and get some food the couple bids us goodbye with the promise to be back in an hour or so.

I follow the brothers down the hallways before we come across the room Noah is apparently in. Noah is sitting up on the bed and smiles widely as Roman, Ryder and Theo all greet him with a fist bump or a hair ruffle. Roman then leans against the wall in a corner whereas both Ryder and Theo take a seat in the chairs beside the bed.

"Ella!" Noah greets happily with an excited smile on his lips as I step in.

"Hi Noah." I smile before taking a seat on the bed when he pats the blanket. "How are you feeling?"

"Wonderful now that you're here!" He grins boyishly and his blue eyes are alight with happiness. I'm surprised to see how much of a good mood he's in after breaking his leg and two ribs. "Finally, someone I can talk to who isn't above thirty!"

"I'm not thirty!" Ryder and Theo deadpan at the same time with a frown on their lips.

"You may as well be! What are you, twenty-three?" He asks Ryder before turning to Theo. "And you're twenty-two? Roman's twenty-four. Bunch of old guys if you ask me."

I can't help but chuckle when Noah shrugs nonchalantly before turning to me and eyeing the box I'm holding. I open it to reveal the double chocolate cookies I had baked and hold the box out for him.

"You baked these for me?!" He asks excitedly before grabbing two and stuffing one in his mouth while holding the other.

I chuckle at his satisfied expression and nod. "I thought they would cheer you up."

"You're so sweet, Ella. Thank you!" He pats my hand before taking the box.

"Flirt." Ryder mutters hotly under his breath which makes both Noah and I turn to him.

"Why brother, if I didn't know any better I'd think you were jealous." Noah grins mischievously and Ryder only glares at him in response.

"I'm not! Hearing you try to charm her is nauseating that's all." Ryder leans back in his chair causally but a glint of something I can't decipher flashes in his eyes.

"I'm twelve but sure, let's go with that." Noah rolls his eyes before turning back to me

We all continue to talk for a while about his injuries, how it happened and when the doctor said he can be discharged. However, Noah is adamant on returning by the end of the week because he's "bored and the food sucks." But at some point I notice Ryder staring intensely between me and my arm. I look down to see that the sleeve of my top has pulled up to reveal many yellow, faint bruises. Hastily, I cover them and bow my head so that my hair covers my face. I squeeze my eyes shut and curse myself for wearing loose sleeves today. My body, although it has almost recovered, still shows signs of abuse.

They are taking too long to heal because I was hit at many of the same spots repeatedly. I hate feeling so weak and cautious while struggling to hide my skin. I'm sure that everyone has their theories about me but I don't feel comfortable enough in telling anyone about what had happened yet. I don't think I will ever feel confident to reveal that part of my past if I'm honest.

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