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Chapter Seventeen - Sweet Tooth

I sigh contently as I turn a page of the book I'm reading under the spring sun. After weeks of miserable and cold weather the sun has finally come out to play. My mood instantly brightened this morning and after having breakfast I quickly completed all the office work for today before venturing out to the swinging bench some distance away in the back. The afternoon sun has reached its highest point and I smile as the rays warm up my skin.

"I knew I'd find you here." I look up to see Ryder walk up to me with an amused look in his eyes. Smiling sheepishly, I curl my legs towards me so he can sit on the swinging bench.

"It's calming. I like it here." I reply before turning another page of the book.

"The family house is crazy." He nods as he rests his head against the wood. "I can understand why you escaped."

I giggle when I remember what had happened this morning. At exactly eight o'clock, numerous alarm clocks started blaring in Theo's room. Noah had guzzled down the orange juice before running out the door with a mad grin on his lips just as Theo came stomping down the stairs with a murderous look in his eyes. It had taken both Michelle and Evan to break the two apart but even after that they kept arguing and Noah eventually had to leave for school before he ended up running late.

I steal a glance at Ryder and my gaze roams over his serene expression. He has his eyes closed as he enjoys the sun's rays caressing his skin while a cool breeze ruffles his hair slightly. It's something different than the usual brooding man. But I look away quickly because I don't want to get caught ogling him. From the corner of my eye I watch as he sits up before staring at me. Eventually, I can't ignore him and look up expectantly.

"Will you come with me to Canada?" Ryder's sudden question brings me out of my thoughts.

I sit up and face him with wide eyes. "M-Me?"

"Yes." He smiles while his fingertips trail over my bare arm. "It's only for a few days but I think you'll enjoy it."

I look away and think if it will be a good idea to leave. Seth knowing where I am looms over my head like a time ticking bomb. Maybe leaving for a week will throw him off my tail? I wonder to myself.

"We can visit Vancouver if you want?" Ryder adds which immediately makes me perk up in interest.

"Really? You wouldn't mind?" I ask as my voice fills with hope.

He chuckles and shakes his head as his bright eyes glint with something unbeknownst to me. "I don't mind at all, angel."

I blush at the endearment before nodding. I'm excited to be visiting the place my mother spent most of her life in. "When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning." He replies before jumping to his feet and pulling me up. "So, you should better get packing."

I laugh before picking up my book and rushing off to do just that. My mood has instantly lifted over what the following week is going to bring, Seth Morgan long forgotten.


The next morning Ryder wakes me up around six. I end up falling asleep again right after he closed the door until my alarm blares five minutes later. With a heavy groan I get up to turn it off. Stretching I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth, washing my face with cold water to wake me up before dressing in the outfit I picked out last night.

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