chapter ten moving on

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Amy has to let go of Ian even knowing how she feel about him but since he hurt her it got less now then.

Ian seems to be doing not much the nothing new on that front and natile is not replaying to any my message.

Jacob is talking to Amy trying to cheer her up even knowing he more Ian friend than hers

But she thinks it might be idea to start fresh to get rid of anything to do with Ian from picture of them to friend of his just so she can move on with her life.

She going to clear out her stuff and get rid stuff she too old for and sell at car boot sale.

She goes to focus on stuff for the future. Her education first of all.

Time will past quick she hoping and she can forget she every met Ian and by the time Christmas is she will have a complete fresh start in 2013 she hoping to organise herself properly.

Amy does have some feeling for Ian but never as much as before. She will never trust a boy again especially not Ian he broke her heart into million tiny pieces and she feels she can’t trust any friend because Natalie lied to her what is mean and two face. Natalie and Amy use to be good friend

If only Amy could move someone closer to college and does focus on her education but she would miss her family a lot and won’t see niece but as her niece does not talk to her would that really matter and what about her business, she better off staying where she is and till she has finish college.

She hope that one day in 25 to 30 years Ian will come back growingly till he knees bleeding and sore. 

She did really love him but her family hate him even more. Amy know that there’s no going back  and so does Ian but boy at the age of eighteen only think with their privates (the ball) there always thing about sex.

Amy is so angry at Ian she did not care if he self-harming it just one a cry for help and two it suicide and she didn’t care if died right now it would make her life so much easier. When Ian was up north he got so drunk nearly every night and now he properly done damaged to his liver. Seriously it sounds harsh that Amy would care if he was died as he did hurt really badly.

Amy knew Ian is happy with natile but Ian knew Amy has risk her whole family to be in touch with him because there hated before because he hurt her and there knew he hurt he again that why she never told any family and till her sister surprise birthday.

It came to the 18th October 2012 she had no choice in telling her family because she put on Facebook goodbye everyone :’( and people commented on it and some went so far and called the police so Amy had no choice in telling her parents, her parent are going to find it hard to trust her again.

Amy adores Ian unconditionally but Amy had to let her ex best friend and Ian get on with their new life as couple.

She hoping one day she will find a happy every after but for now she lost the one she truly loves.

Amy going to open up her own business a garden centre with pet shops in side not just with equipment for pets but sell like guineapig and rabbits and dogs and cat and maybe hamsters also has a café which will be homemade cakes yummy in my tummy.

It will be called lucie’s worlds

One day Amy was use watt pad funny what iom writing this on now she had just ask Ian for her money back again of course she said in bit of an angry voice


Ian said BLOODY GO AWAY IF YOU WANT it let me send it I’m not coming into the college to give it to you and also u can stop sending messages through my friend I’m not very well and very depressed and paranoid and can’t sleep at night and have cut my arms to pieces last week cause u have made to the point to do it and thanks a fucking lot for telling people shit i know what u have been doing i have been told u are a tooth face bitch i really hope u die soon i don’t need any of this anymore me and natile will never break up and won’t let u ruin it please don’t bother ever contacting me ever again if you do i will get even more ill

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