His sacrifice (Gundham Tanaka X Reader)

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"A body has been discovered!" Announced the monochromatic bear by the monitor, as you dried your skin with a towel. Your skin was red from how much you've absentmindedly rubbed the towel over it, thinking no matter how many times you've showered and wiped yourself, you will never be clean. The blood in your hands will remain clinging on your skin, your conscience. You didn't bother to clean the crime scene, you'd rather face death than to wallow in your own guilt.

After you killed Hajime Hinata, it will never be the same.

You can still remember how the knife plunged in his throat from behind, impaling his neck. The way he turned to you with a look of... You can't quite confirm... The way he can't even say his last words due to how restricted his vocals were... The way he fell forward and crashed onto you... The way he writhe in pain on the ground, so you decided to cut his misery short by straddling him and plunging the knife in his chest to prevent him from enduring the torturous pain any further. You couldn't bare it.

The more you recall the past events, the more it became more vivid in your head despite not being physical. You can taste vile rising from the back of your throat, but you kept strong and swallowed back.

You braced yourself, changing into your normal clothes before facing the other students to help the investigation.

"Hope you had a good sleep! You'll need it!" Proclaimed Monokuma, as he saw the students chattering amongst themselves by the dining area.

"GAH! IT'S THE TALKING TOY!" exclaimed Kazuichi, clinging onto the nearest person next to him, which was Hajime.

"I AM NOT A TOY!" Monokuma snapped, only to clear his throat and regain his composure. "Puhuhuhuhu~ I am really excited! The despair is just so... Intoxicating!"

Wasn't it enough? You just lost the love of your life being executed in front of you and now there's another motive? You were too tired and drained from the past few weeks and you can't afford to deal with this right now.

"Anyways... One of you has probably caught it! Let's just wait until it spreads to all of you!" Monokuma gushed, pressing his fists on his cheeks.

"The fuck are you saying?" Fuyuhiko sneered.

"Ohhh~ just you wait~" and with that, Monokuma disappeared.

"H-hey! You better answer our questions!" Hajime tried to catch him, but to no avail.

"Ugh," grunted Nagito. "I thought I informed Monokuma to not give us any more motives? This is getting too hopeless." He sighs, but he doesn't particularly sounds frustrated about it.

"S-shut up, you fucktard!" Fuyuhiko snapped, fists clenched to his side.

You just sighed, stroking the remnant of his presence that you wrapped around your neck. You didn't bothered listening to them, for it was useless to live your life without him. His scarf carried his musky scent that lured you from the very the start, his intoxicating scent that you couldn't help but to inhale every time he holds you in his arms. You feel something squirming around the scarf, which you only lightly touched, knowing the the four dark Devas of destruction was still nested in their master's warmth. All four beasts of destruction nuzzled their furry cheeks against your neck, a form of comfort and assurance that everything will be alright when they noticed you crying again.

"I'm sorry that I'm crying again..." You hiccuped, trying not to use the scarf to wipe your tears away, knowing that Gundham hated it whenever you cried. He insisted the fact that his beloved Deity of Darkness should not feel any form of sorrow while he was around, nor when he is not present. He insisted that sorrow should not bother you and always makes an effort to make you smile by taking you in his arms, kissing your lips... But he's gone and there's no one to hold you the way he held you. "I-I just can't live without you..." Your vocals clenched, trying to force your words out, as another batch of tears fell from your face, sobs and whimpers coming through your gritted teeth.

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