Chapter Two

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My eyes shot open. I woke up somewhere in a cabin that was small but looked cozy.

Why didn't they find me? I thought. I was baffled because the shadow wolves would've found me last night. I shrugged it off. For some reason, I felt different, like bizarre different. I shrugged again and observed the inside of the cabin.

I was in a beige bed with comfortable sheets and a thick blanket that had a fresh scent. A bookshelf lined the wall and was so filled with books that there were some stacked on the floor, some were even scattered. Next to the bookshelf, there was a rickety desk with parchment, books, and a quill with ink. There was a chair and there was a boy in it.

I got up and walked up to the desk. I leaned over to see what he was doing, he was reading a book. The title read, 'Wolves of the Night'. The title gave me shivers down my spine. My eyes went back to the boy. The boy looked to be my age, he had midnight ruby hair that fell over his eyes, pale ivory skin and gorgeous, forest green eyes. He wore a black shirt with a blue jacket with gold designs, black pants, and red boots. I thought he was quite handsome. He looked up at me and I jumped.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to disturb you," I said, feeling like he thought I was out of my mind.

"It's alright, I'm just glad you're awake," he said as he gave a small smile. "Are you alright? 'Cause I saw you on the ground in the forest and when I tried to wake you up, you didn't show a sign of movement, but I was glad you were still breathing. So I took you here."

"Yeah, I'm alright. Thanks for asking." I said with a kind smile. Then the smile vanished. "So, if you didn't knock me out, then who or what did?" I muttered to myself.

"What?" he said as he put his book away on one of the stacks of books.

"Nothing," I said, loudly.

"Okay..." he said as he went back to his chair. "What's your name?" he asked.

"Raven," I answered. "What's yours?

"Lukas," he responded. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Raven"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Lukas."

It was weird for me that he was saying my name and me saying his, but I kind of liked it.

"So," Lukas began. "What were you doing in the Black Forests?"

I didn't want to tell Lukas, but I felt like it was the right thing to do.

"Well..." I started as I sat back down on the bed. "I was getting chased by Shadow Wolves," I answered.

Lukas's eyes widened. "Shadow wolves?"

I nodded. "They were chasing me and I didn't know why, and I still don't know."

"How about I help you," Lukas said.

"Help with what?" I asked.

"Help you to figure out why the Shadow Wolves are trying to capture you." Lukas stood up, walked towards me, and held out his hand. "We can figure this out..." he paused. "Together."

That word made my heart flutter. I didn't know why, though, but it was a good feeling. I felt like I was blushing, too. I patted my cheeks. You can't be this close already, you idiot! I thought to myself. Lukas raised his brow, looking at me strangely.

"Okay," I said as I held out my hand to reach his. "Let's do this." We both gently shook each others' hands.

"Alright then," Lukas began, as we let go of each others' hands. "Let's get ready and pack up." Lukas handed me a leather sack, I then started packing things I might need.

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