Chapter 5 - An Infinite Power

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Vector traveled to Australia to return home. After the last time Eggman was captured, he wanted to feel the heat and wild atmosphere of that place again. Vector was a huge crocodile with big arms that allowed him to travel long roads without getting tired. His mission was to search for lost team members around the world. Vector was warned that one of the same race as Vector was found where he lived. Vector was running not so fast but could be seen in the distance approaching from the sandy hills of Kintore. More than 17 human villagers saw the huge crocodile approaching to get to the people who raised it. A somewhat elderly lady came out of her humble home to see her huge animal in front of her house. Some people had never seen such a big crocodile, they just watched it for a long time while the lady was not so concerned. Vector had a white handkerchief to cover his face from the sand, he took it off and smiled at the old lady. The lady walked with her huge wooden stick and stopped a little near it.

-- What? Are you here to steal our stuff?

Vector makes a full-body sign, thinking that what she was saying was a joke.

-- Oh, yeah. I missed you too, Mom.

-- You're here for the other one, aren't you?

-- What? How do you know that? I wanted to take some time off and come here!

-- A few days ago, someone just like you came here because he was looking for answers about where he came from and thought he would find them here. Just a couple more days, you show up. Don't you think it's disrespectful, that during all that time that boy wasn't here, you didn't show up either.

-- .. Yeah, uh... You had me at that...

-- You're a symbol to a lot of people. And it hurt our hearts that you forgot us, as if your home was on the other continent. Just imagine how I felt, that I was close to you, that I fed you, educated you and guided you not to be a monster.

Vector only bowed his head as he was scolded by his relative.

-- ... I promise I'll stay here. The enemy, our common enemy, is no longer under his power. They don't need me anymore. This town is all I have.

-- Just go with that boy.

-- ... Grrr...

-- You want to prove you're still worth it? Then go there -- the lady was pointing to a place
--  north, run until you find it. Find him and guide the poor lost one and bring him here.

-- On my way! -- He suddenly turned around and ran at full speed north.

Vector crossed for 30 minutes of long distance until he finally found someone identical to Vector. It was another crocodile that was just standing there on the huge rock. Vector came up a little bit excited and yelled at him to make sure he wasn't alone. The rock crocodile turned around but just got off the rock and waited for Vector to come. Vector finally arrives to introduce himself.

-- What are you doing here? -- Said Vector.

-- ... I... I got lost.

-- Then come with me. Where did you come from?

-- W-We... I was sent here and they didn't tell me why. The humans were afraid of me.

-- Who sent you here? The humans did?

-- I was in a city, and then they took me here. Some people took me in cages and I was there for many years. Then I managed to escape.

-- Were they hunters?

-- I don't know, I just know they were humans... by the way... Have you ever felt that humans are weaker than us?

-- Only some, but many have a power that's different. Some can be powerful if they have many in their control, there are different forms of power.

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