chapter 2:Meeting gemma + nearly kissing a stranger, what a day!

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(Gemma on the side)

-----------------------------------elizabeth POV:

the girl had a huge smile plasterd across her face. She was 5'4, skin and bones (not like anorexic skinny, but really petite). She was inpossible to miss, with bright green eyes, and light purple hair with a light sky-blue mixed in it, it cascaded in curls past her shoulders. She was sporting dramatic cat eye-makeup that suited her, and Vintage Levi cuffed high-waisted denim shorts in light blue, with a pink,purple, and blue floral print bralet top. I loved her bold look! she then spoke in a innocent,chipper ,sweet voice "HI! im gemma, but you can call me em! i'm you roommate!'. I heaved a sigh of relief remembering I would have a roommate. I didn't know if i wanted to make close freinds, but in a slpit second desicion I politely replied "hi! i'm elizabeth, bu' my nickname is liz" almost as chipper. "OH THIS IS GOING TO BE SOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!" she squealed. boy, did she know how to be loud. "we can braid each other's hair, and paint each other's nails!" she rambled on for a while , while i listened. I decided this girl was great and we could be great freinds. then she suddenly stopped and gasped and said "im so sorry, im coming on too strong aren't I, i'm just so excited, I mean i assume you'll want to be freinds, right?!". then to calm her from her near pannick attack i respond "of course i do! it would be kind of hard not to anyways." She grinned from ear to ear. Then We talked for a while about boyfreinds, lip gloss, shopping, girly things. Then our tomboyish side's escaped. We talked of sports, and training , long runs. She told me she was accepted there for volleyball and figure skating. I thought that was awesome.I told her about how I play soccer. It was nice to have a real friend.

I finally was able to escape to my room to unpack.I walked in and found all of my stuff there In boxes. I got out my laptop and books. I put my book on a shelf above my desk, I put my laptop on the desk. I get out all of my school supplies and place in the desk drawer. I start unpacking my clothes. I had lots of crop tops and jean short shorts. I had soft light oversized sweaters. I had jeans. I had mini dresses, and heels. I got out my sunflower high top converse. I unpacked my short running shorts, and slider's (or spandex basically). I had my tight athletic tanks, and nike singlets. I had tons of athletic clothes and tons of girly clothes.

I mean it's like I have a split personality. My clothes were folded,hung, and put up. I then unpacked my soccer posters,jerseys,etc. I hung the up it filled up the small wall of room. I got out my memory foam topper, soccer sheets (they look like a bunch of soccer balls stacked randomly),and comforter which says " you miss all the shots you don't take" and had a ball flying towards a goal. In vertical letters it has my name. I got out my soccer ball lamp and put it on the nightstand.I got out all my make up and bathroom things and put them in bathroom. I finished unpacking and setting up my room and took a step back to admire my work. It looked and felt like home. I flopped on the bed from exhaustion. I groaned and realized I needed to take a shower, maybe I'll take a bath. "Hey em I'm gonna hop in the shower, you don't need it do you?" I hollered to em . "Nah I'm good" I heard her call from room. I walked into the bathroom and undid my bun , my hair falling down my back in its regular long strands. I shut the door and got undressed. I stepped in to the toasty stream, letting my muscles melt. I used my soothing, and relaxing body wash. Let me tell ya, it worked my whole body felt relaxed. I then used my lavender mint shampoo and conditioner. I quickly used my face wash and shaved. I stepped out of the shower feeling as good as new. I quickly through on my spandex and a neon green sports bra. I went to my room and rubbed icy hot into my legs. My muscles getting that melting feeling again. I strectched out and pulled my hair into a bouncy,peppy ponytail.

I put on my older neon orange running shoes, still in good shape but not as good as my others. I decided to go on a run, it was only a little past afternoon. i tied my shoes tightly and began my run. I set off across the quad a few boys whistle that oh-there's-a-hot-girl whistle. I replied by giving them my middle finger, while i kept running. "asshole's" I muttered keeping a steady pace. I passed where the pop's hang, in the center of the quad, effortlessly with my head held high. I noticed some awed looks from guys and some disgusted eww-look-at-her-we're-to-good-for-her kind of looks from the school fakes. By fake i mean its just like everything about them is fake. fake hair, fake eyes, fake body, fake personality, you get my point, most of them are probably sl*ts. I decide to take a trail that is said to lead to the school's sort-of private beach. Its just kinda secluded. I was practically floating with this jog. I starded jogging on the trail and soon came to an opening revealing the beach. I stopped and began to stare at the waves lazily lapping against the sand. I bent down and carved a large  heart into the wet sand and put the words "i love soccer " inside of it, but when the waves came back they washed it away. I finally put my headphones in and cranked up my ipod which was safely resting in my armband. I began jogging, then slightly getting faster. i drifted into my own little world, enjoying the peace. my pace slowed and matched the tempo of the song, at least in my head. Everything seemed to slow. I was listening to Christina Perri - A Thousand Years (my FAVE song, I loved it being just the song, and because it's in twilights.). I became one with the song.

I sung: 

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid
To fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt
Suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer 

           Then a silhouette appeared in front of me, wait it's a person, a guy, a H-O-T-T GUY. he was right in front of me. he was awkwardly running backwards. He then tripped and fell backwards on too the soft sand. I lost my balance and fell with him. Right on top of him. PERFECT of course this would happen to me. We were close, too close. In the  process one of my head phones had fallen out the slow romatic music playing, we were staring into each other's eyes. His lips got closer and closer to mine. WAIT! WHAT! by the time i realized what was happening his lips brushed against mine. I quickly, and clumsily pulled away from him and scrambled  to stand up. "i...uh...sorry" he began, "No its fine, my fault, its not like you wanted me to fall, i blame it on my clumsy feet" I said with a little giggle.Eww did that just come out of me!"uhh yeah it did" he said with a chuckle. Did i say that out loud?  "yeah you did". "huhhh huh" i did one of those unsure fake laughs.The sea breeze felt a little cold, i wish i hadn't pulled away from his Warm, hard chest. He jammed his hands in his pants pockets, stretching his t-shirt over his chest, OH GOD I think he caught me staring. He must have seen me shivering because he was soon offering me his jacket attemping to sling it over my shoulder , which i shrugged off. I cast my glance away, building confidence and putting on my un-readable face, which works 100% before meeting his stare that began to become a hard, cold stare and looking up at his six-foot or taller frame. I studied his face, which i think was what he was doing to mine, i held my expression. He had brown curly hair, a almost thin face stucture, dark thick mysterious eyebrows, definite cheeks, and large kissable-lips. I wanted nothing more than too crash my lips into his, ok don''t tell anyone cuz its kinda embarrassasing but i've never kissed anyone. Yeah, yeah i know i know. But my favorite element of his face was his eyes the beautiful mix of grey, hazel, and blue. Almost like it says that he's trying to fit in, yet is deeper,  has secrets. I wanted to know those secrets. His expression changed from intent to smile, a smile he probably uses to try and charm all of the ladies, his signitature smile. But that won't work on me like it will all those barbie robots. " I'm daniel" he said slyly, he said sticking out his hand. "i'm elizabeth but you can call me liz" I said with the slightest hint of coo. SNAP OUT OF IT LIZ ! YOU DONT LIKE A STRANGER! I tried convincing myself, the truth was i kinda did. no don't say that!. could this get any worse?

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