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When Sean came back to the house, it was just getting to be dawn, his skin slowly reforming itself as well as the car. He thought back to when the first time this happened...pain and agony shooting through him as he felt all his skin and bones returning to normal. Now, it's not that bad anymore.
Quietly heading inside, he snuck up the steps, seeing Athena still asleep in the spare bedroom. Sighing in relief, he headed to his own room when the voice of his enemy repeated itself.

Don't make me wait.

It hung around like a little pest in his brain, throwing on some different clothes when he heard some soft footfalls in the hallway. Looking up just as he finished getting his shirt on, Athena stood in the doorway, her hair messy.

"Hey." She said with a smirk.

"Hey." He said. "Sleep okay?"

She casually lifted a shoulder. "Mostly." She narrowed her eyes in concern. "You okay? You seem on edge about something."

"It's nothing." He said almost immediately, then added a reassuring look. "Really."

"Okay..." She threw on her sweatshirt. "Guess I'll see you around. I gotta head out anyways."

Leaving without another word, he ran his hands through his hair. Deciding to watch some TV, the news caught his eye.

"We are facing what could be a set of a mass destruction. I'm here today with a witness by the name of Bailey." The news reporter turned to them. "Explain to us what you saw that night while all of this went down." Holding their mic to them, the girl spoke into it, their Irish accent heavy.

"I was closing up the pub, locking up the doors when I heard this..this loud rumble. When I looked, it all happened so fast. I swear it was a car, going at least a hundred miles an hour, maybe more."

"What did the car look like? Did you get a good visual before it passed?"

"I don't maybe? But..there was something else I noticed but I think my eyes were playing tricks on me."

"What was it that you saw?"

It took Bailey a couple seconds to talk. " was on fire. I think the driver was too..." They gestured to the roads, where it was all torn up along the side of a set of tracks, the center of it smooth. "And then..they left all of this behind.."

Sean switched the channel, not really caring what it was, just something other than the news. Going to the window that faces the front yard, he looked at his car. It was just a normal muscle car, no flames or anything. But yet...he knows that it was him. All of that. This is the price he pays for making that damn deal.
Grabbing a drink, he went for the alcohol, pouring himself some Jack Daniels. While he was basically used to what happens at night, he hates it when it goes on the news. It means it makes it easier for his enemies to find him. Sitting on the couch, he switched it to his Netflix, watching a movie.


He wandered about an abandoned building, broken windows everywhere, letting in a draft that didn't bother him at all. He waited for his companions, the ones that will, hopefully, help him destroy the rider.
He felt the presence of one, and he saw them materialize out of the ground, followed by another. They formed from the air, their body literally wind, just like before.

"Gressil..Abigor." He said.

"Is this about the rider, Blackheart?" Gressil asked.

"He's here, as you know." He said, black veins crawling out slightly from his hairline. "And he has to fulfill his deal. By bringing the contract to...our father." He spat, then chuckled. "But he won't...I told him to bring it to me."

"When we find him, then what?" Abigor asked.

"If he does not have that contract...we take him down...even if it means we take down this city with it." He said. "More souls for him to deal with while he still can." He added with a dark laugh.
"I'm going to love watching the light leave his eyes." Gressil said with a smile.
Blackheart turned his hateful gaze to them. "All of those souls...will be mine."
They all disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A/N: to anyone who is still reading this, I'm sorry it's bland right now. I've been busy with a ton of things including personal stuff. Plus I think I lost my spark to writing so I apologize if this is gonna suck. Hopefully I'll have more out soonish.

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