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Athena checked her phone, seeing it was a little after eight. Rolling her eyes, she knew he was sometimes a few minutes late. He's not really on time, but she doesn't get annoyed until it gets to be about an hour later.
She was about to put her laundry baskets away when something caught her attention. Looking out her window, something on the side of a building was rising up it. It looked like...a giant ball of fire.

"Oh my god..." She breathed, quickly grabbing a sweatshirt before heading outside after throwing on some shoes. Cop cars passed by in a flash of red and blue lights, making her basically jog to wherever they were going. Following them to Mason Road, she came to a stop, every single police force group you could think of piling out of their vehicles. Not even thinking about it, she shoved her way through, other townspeople in the mix when whatever went up the building started coming down.

"Holy shit!" She exclaimed before it slammed onto the concrete, bits of cement and dirt and rubble flying at them as they covered their faces. Once it died down, she lifted her gaze to whatever the hell just happened...and she couldn't believe her eyes.
There it was...the cherry red Impala, but it was covered in flames..the driver getting out with ease. Her heart started slamming against her chest when she saw it all. They wore all black with a leather jacket, a chain wrapped around it, their entire body skull and fire. But she knew exactly who it was when they looked right at her.

Athena lightly shook her head in disbelief. "Sean..."

He started walking towards her, the flames dying down a cool blue color, reaching his hand out as she started closing the distance.

"Prepare to fire!!" The sheriff shouted, making Athena stop dead in her tracks with a gasp. "FIRE!"

"NO!!!" She shouted, but it was too late. Every one of their guns shot, their bullets catching him everywhere, but they left nothing behind, the bullets melting away. When they stopped, he went from blue to normal flames, obviously mad. Shooting his hands out, a wall of orange appeared, making them shield themselves before he took off.


Blackheart stood on the roof of a building, watching the chaos down below, knowing he lost his companion, Abigor. He watch as the rider landed on the ground, noticing he was surrounded.
He chuckled. "Guns don't kill a monster like him...fools." He turned his attention to someone in the front of the line. "Oh."

It was a girl, her long hair up in a messy bun, her eyes not leaving the rider. As she walked towards him, his hand was outstretched when she abruptly stopped, the police and everyone else around them firing. The next thing he knew after a wall of flames erupted, the rider was gone.
Blackheart smiled deviously. "Now I know his weakness..hmm.."
He walked away from the scene.


It was morning, Sean waking up with a headache. When he sat up, pain shot through his shoulder, making him hiss. Putting his hand there, he felt a scab of something, and he got up. Going to the mirror in his bathroom, he took his shirt off, throwing it on the floor. Turning around, he looked at the wound that guy left, a long red line running down his skin. Sighing, he cleaned it off a bit before putting his shirt back on when a knock was heard.
Going to his front door, he looked through the peephole, seeing it was Athena, his body tensing up. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door, seeing her face was covered in tears.

"It is you..." She said. "The news, the car....everything..."

Not saying a word, he let her inside, following her to the living room area where she flopped down on the couch. "Why didn't you say anything??"

Sean folded his arms as he stood in front of her. "I didn't...I didn't want to put you in danger..."

"It would if you did??" She snapped. "You're breaking the law, Sean! Had I known that, I would've left you alone!!"

Ghost Rider (Jacksepticeye Story)Where stories live. Discover now