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Sean lost track of how long he sat there on the couch, for when he looked at the time, it was half passed three. Silently cursing to himself, he stood, heading to his recording room when his phone went off. Taking it out of his pocket, he got a text from Athena.

How about that news report? Sounded like that girl was high on something XD.

Chuckling, he responded saying: I wouldn't be surprised if she was.

Opening the door to the room, the silence greeted him, the faint hum of his computer the only thing not making it completely awkward. He still remembers when he recorded his first video in this new space. It was like it happened yesterday, yet it felt so long ago.
A sudden chill went down his spine, making him more alert of his surroundings. He could feel the beast wanting to crawl out, but he did his best to push that down. Trying to distract himself, he went back downstairs, throwing on some shoes and a coat, stepping outside, deciding to roam around town. He needed to do something when things like this happen. It was a way to put his mind at ease.
Stopping before he fully left the house, he looked back at his car, seeing it just sitting there, looking normal. No flames, no skulls, no nothing. It just looked like a regular muscle car. Running his hand along the driver side door, he walked out into the town.


As Athena finished watching the news, she folded the last of her clothes when a photo caught her eye. Looking back at the TV, it was a still of what happened the other night, the news reporter explaining it.

"We just got this photo in literally seconds ago, with what appears to be a red car quickly driving down the roads at a high speed. Police will further investigate to hopefully get a match."

Pausing her TV, she stepped closer, bunching up a shirt she had in her hand. It was blurry, but she knew that car anywhere. It was a cherry red muscle car, flying right down the middle.
"It can't be..." She breathed, immediately taking her phone out, calling Sean.

He picked up, the background indicating he was out and about. "What's up?" He asked.

"Oh nothing...just watching the news and uhh..I couldn't help but notice something." She said, pacing around.

"What was it?"

Athena took a deep breath. "They had a picture of what happened that just came in...and I got a closer look." She sat down on her brown leather couch. "The color was cherry red...unmistakably a 1967 Impala." Her voice had full accusation in it. "From that..I gathered it belongs to someone I know...and I'm talking to them on the phone right now."

Their was silence, then Sean said, "I didn't go out that night. It was probably someone else who has a car like mine."

"You sure about that?" Athena suddenly demanded. "Because I've been in this town long enough to know that nobody else here has a car like that, Sean!"

"Look, I can assure you it wasn't me." Sean said. "I would never do anything stupid like that. You know that." She heard him sigh. "Let me prove it to you..tonight, at eight o'clock, I'll call you and tell you I'm still home. Alright?"

She thought about it for a few seconds. "Don't be a second late on that.."

"I won't be."

She hung up right after he said it.


Sometime later, Sean ended up near some fields, somewhat away from the bustle of people. This was his other quiet place when he needed it, to just clear his head for a while. Coming up onto a grave site, he was suddenly drawn into there, seeing old and new graves, some here since the 1800s. He came up onto one in particular, the name Carter Slade engraved into it, but no date of birth or death or anything else. For whatever reason...that name sounded familiar, but he can't put his finger on why it did.
His body tensed, reacting to something around him. Looking at his surroundings, he saw nothing, but he could feel the presence of someone nearby. His brain clicked right after.
Spirits, all over this place, the rider itching once more to come out.

"I gotta get out of here." He said, quickly getting away. Once he was far enough, he took a few deep breaths before checking his phone, seeing it was half past seven at night. He had forty-five minutes to call Athena, to tell her he was still home.
Putting his phone away, he jogged back to his house.

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