[Hibiki Wataru x Reader x Shinkai Kanata]☆Just One Single Question

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Request from:Reika_Oguri

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●This oneshots does not have anything to do with the game or anime story line.

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Your faced crooked.Bewildered by his statement.

"Whatever could you be meaning,Wataru-senpai."

You as a second year and might as well add as a member of the theatre club.(sorry dunno whats really its name)And you yourself knew just how hard it is to take care of him,especially when he is off-stage.

"You know you would be an AMAZING entertainer one day."

You rolled your eyes and left the room.Once you closed the door you could feel your cheecks heat up.

"He definately need to stop the over-complament attitude."

You walked through the croud and saw someone in the fountain outside.You already knew who it was.

"Shinkai-senpai,don't you have practice with Ryuseitai around the corner?"

He looked at you.Those wet hair,sparkling eyes, because he wears a white shirt his clothes-what can you say transperent.You blushed crazily as you looked at him head to toe.

"Ah~reader,Chiaki said that I can go have a break.That's why I'm here."

You looked at him with a stern look at your face,he then shudders.

"By having a break,does Morisawa-senpai meant that you can jump in the water or just laying and drinking aound?"

He looked at you with disapointment
In his eyes.Why does all of your upperclassmen always act like the youngest.

"Look,I'm not angry or anything but....you should at least know your responsabilities.Y'know what,I think I'm going to join you too."


You enters the fountain and give his shoulder a punch.

"Now...I think that you and Wataru-senpai are really alike."

"How are we alike?"he asked.

You just bluntly said,

"Well,you two do really look alike,then we have your personalities,then.....the both of you are really cool at some point."

Then an akward silence past through the both of you.

Your face heat up.Realizing what you just said.

"I did not meant it that way.What I meant is-um-I don't know."

"Who..."he murmured.

"Who is it that you prefer then?"

Shocked.You are shocked that he asked you such questions.So you get up and just left him hanging there.

The next day....

"Reader-kun,are you okay?You looked pale today."

You looked at him with a suprised look written on your face.Well,it is suprising that The Wataru Hibiki is not goofing around instead he is serious and worried.

"I'm fine.Really."

He looked serious this time and said something that instantly could melt you on the spot.

"If anything is wrong,you know I'm always here for you."

Time skip...

"Reader...you okay...or you are still shocked about yesterday?"

You turned back and sow someone you definately want to avoid the most.


You ran away as fast as you could but then you bumped into someone.


"It is fine,reader-kun."

Then both of your eyes went to something else.A Shinkai Kanata panting so hard.

"Reader.....I still need your answer."


He looked at you.

"I'm going repeat my question.Which one of us do you prefer?"

You looked at Hibiki then back at him.

"I do not prefer anyone in particular but...I think the both of you don't need to compete.I prefer both of you."

Hibiki looked confused but Kanata looked mostly suprised.

"So....you guys okay with my answer."

Hibiki answer,

"I don't really understand what is going on but yeah....I love you."

Kanata stuttered,

"I love you too,Reader."he pouted.

All three of you start walking together in a complete awkward silence.Not until you whispered to yourself,

"I love you dimwits too."


If there is any incorrect word,please forgive me.
If you guys have any more request,go to the request page and post your request there.

See you guys next time.



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Lots of love from me to you guys

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