[Isara Mao]☆Don't Tease me....

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Request from:magiciansplay

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●This oneshots does not have anything to do with the game or anime story line.

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Sigh....such a boring day today.Right now,you're on your way to the studio because earlier Ritsu asked you to bring him some fizzy drink for him.You did.

When you arrive there,you gave him his drink and go out immediately after that.Then,someone tug your hand.

"You like Maa-kun,don't you ?"

Wha-.You thought.Is it that obvious.

"Do you want to know more about him ?"

He ask you with a raise eyebrow.Of course you want to ! You nod and he gesture his hand to come closer so did it.

"Don't tell Maa-kun I told you this got it ?"

"I swear I won't."You raise your right hand.


Then,after a few hours.Right,hours.You look at your watch and tell Ritsu you need to go to council room.

When you close the,oh how much you want to punch him.

"Good luck,Reader !!"He shout from the other side.

It's so loud until the whole corridor could hear it.You decide to ignore the whisper and go to the council room.

Opening the door,you found..... suprisingly,Eichi.You sigh in relief.

"If you are looking for Isara-kun,he is at the library.Good luck on confessing."

You blush and hit his table with both of your hands.

"Who told you ?"You ask impatiently.

"Ritsu-kun told me...."

That Ratsu.Yup.From now on you're gonna call him that Ritsu the rat a.k.a. Ratsu.

Eichi giggle at your reaction.That made you rush out of the room and head to the library.

"Oh,Reader-san.Not expecting you to come here ?"

"Shut up,you crybaby."

Gasping.You realised what you just said.He looked shock and terrified.Then,his eyes start to be watery.He rush out of there.

Great.You thought rolling your eyes.You know you just blow up your chance with him.You were so angry back then and that's why you slipped your tongue.While you were angry back then,you just thought about what Ratsu said to you.

"He always cries back then."

That must be why you said that.You found him under a tree.

"I am so sorry,Isara-kun.I didn't mean that."

You look down.Terrified waiting for his answer.

"Did Ritsu told you that ?"

Huh ?

"He did,didn't he.About my past.That guy,seriously."He palm-face.

You take his hand down and hug him.

"I don't want you to know about that."

"Why ?"You ask.

"I like you.I don't want you to hate me for my past."

That's crazy.You think to yourself.

"I won't."You said with confidence.

"How do you know that ?"He ask,eyes still teary.

"Because I also love you like crazy.I won't hate your past.I will help you overcome it.We will do it together."

He look at you with shock.

"Really ?"

"Really."Holding his hands tightly.

The both of you smile to each other.

That day,he told you all about his past and how he feel up until now.The both of you snuggle to each other.

Only to be waken up by Ratsu.The both of you glare at him.He just shrug it off.

"Congrats,looks like from now on you're my sister-in-law from now on."

You blush and look to the side only to find a re Isara Mao.You smile at his reaction.He look away from realizing you're looking at him.


If there is any incorrect word,please forgive me.
If you guys have any more request,go to the request page and post your request there.

See you guys next time.



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