[Suou Tsukasa]☆No Way....

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Request from :Yuririnyan

Make sure you remember that :
●This oneshots does not have anything to do with the game or anime story line.

●This is ANGST.(I suppose)

●This is Rated:15 ?

●This is Omegaverse.

And make sure to :



In this world,there are three type of genders.From the top,alpha,beta and omega.Beta live as a normal civillan like usual.While alpha lived with great expectation.

But what could a beta do to end up in a situation like you ?! This happened because of what happened last week,what you said.Just because of a single word,


All you could do is heave out a sigh.You arw currently walking to class. Someone tap your shoulder.


That's it.That voice us the cause of your current problem.

"Tsukasa....What is it ?"

"Today's lesson is at our usual spot, no ?" He grin.

"Mn....Like usual." You said.

He beam up.He bow to you and leave.Once there is no sight of him.You release yet anlther sigh.

You see....Our dear,cute Tsukasa here is an alpha.You alrwady knew his family background and he can be consider as an elite.

But somehow....he is attracted to you.A beta.How could that happen ?

"I mean...isn't an alpha supposed to be mated to an omega.Unlike me...."

As promised,you are currently in a classroom in other word 'our usual spot'.Since everyone around you would rely on you,it seems like it also has rubbed on Tsukasa.

He asked you to tutor him but it si suspicious.He always have a high score on exams and alwats on top of his grade.It's weird but you still accept hus request because of (even he didn't noticed it) his skill on making 'puppy eyes'.Back then he looked like an abandoned puppy and you just can't ignore him.

It's been a week since the both of you have done this.He seemed more weirder each day.Although you are a beta you can still smell his scent because of how strong it is.

"It's quite sweet too..."

"What is ?"

You fell of your chair.You rub your hands at the places that hurts then looks up.

"You suprised me..." You awkwardly laugh.

As if he had jusr finally wakes up from a deep sleep,he rush to your side.

"Onee-sama ! Are you alright ?!"

"Yes.I am perfectly fine."*winkwink

When you are about to get up,something pulls you back down.You fell but this time you hit your head.Your surroundings becomes fuzzy and your head is throbbing.The last thing you saw and heard was,

"I am sorry."

When you wake up this time,you are in an unknown room.You look around.

Looks fancy...

It does looks fancy.The curtains,the bed and don't forget those stacks of books.Thia room can literally be consider as a library ! Oh....and it does gives off a very young master-ish aura too.

"What happened ? How did I even get here ?"

The door creak open.You quickly hide.Alas you only receive a giggle.A giggle you knew very well.

"Onee-sama~You do not have to be afraid.It is just me.It's not like I would do something bad."

Confirmed of who it is m,you get out of your hiding spot and walk towards him.

"How did I get here ?"

He only answers with a grin.That answer does not satisfy you.This time you put your hands on your hips and your voice becomes stern.

"How did I get here....Suou ?"

He flinch a bit and turn around.

"Onee-sama,do you realised what time is it ?"

What time is it ? How would I know when I am here ? It could most likely be misnight for all I know.

"It is the mating season.You do know what happens to alphas and pmegas,no ? We need to have partner to supress our heat."

As if it had just occured to you.You step back from him.

"And ? Does that even an answer to my question ?"

"It is already obvious isn't it ? Onee-sama....NO.Reader....You are going to be mate with me."

You scrunch you eyebrows.

Did I hear him right or did he just said that I am going to be his mate ?!

You already know the answer to your question you know~


You look away.Then,suddenly your body is veing push towards the bed.You fall onto itmyour hands being tied up be another's.

"You can't say "No.I don't want that !" To me.I am going to make sure that you are going to be my mate no matter what."

"Why...." You murmur.

He tilt his head.

"But why ?! I am a beta for god sake ! You're a f*cking alpha.You're supposed to be with an omega if you want an alpha offspring !"

"Who are you to judge me ?"

You shudder.He release a very strong scent that even a beta would fall to their feet.

"So who cares if you are a beta ? Are you ashamed of who is your mate ? Is that why ?"

After a short moment of silence,he continues with a laugh.

"Then you do not have to worry,Reader~I will make sure that no one is going to see you ever again."

He smirk and ram his teeth into your flesh.

"Don't even think of running away from me.Because from now onmyou are my property and I won't ever show you to the world.You shall stay in my castle forever until the day you die and rot~"

Who would have thought that today is the last dat you'll see the outside world and your friends.Now you regret saying "Sure." To him because now....



If there is any incorrect word,please forgive me.
If you guys have any more request,go to the request page and post your request there.

See you guys next time.



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