Explanation About my Characters Before You Read my Story. Sorry.

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So this is gonna be a very long story. If you don't like long chapters and mysteries, I'm sorry. TuT. So I'm going to explain what my version of the CountryHumans is. So, every country has a flower, which will be everlasting if it's real, they also have a part of their national animal/bird, has a part of their personality (e.g. a Sloths laziness or a Lions anger) or another animal/bird which looks better on them (sorry, I'm a bit of a perfectionist) and a power. For example, Poland's national bird is a White-Tailed Eagle and the national flower is a Poppy. Malaysia's national animal is the Malaysian Tiger and national flower is the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis or Chinese Hibiscus. In the case with Poland, he'll have the White-Tailed Eagle wings the Poppies in his hair and and with Malaysia, he'll have the Malaysian Tiger's claws, intimidation and a Chinese Hibiscus in his hair. There are also normal humans in this world. They're just like a CountryHuman except the animal traits, flower and power (their flag depends on which country they have citizenship in or was born in). CountryHumans are extremely famous in this world and people either love them or hate them with all their guts. So to avoid certain problems, they have an alter ego to protect themselves. Is that understandable? Hopefully. So here are the characters descriptions, A-Z.


Family: Father, Unknown. Mother, Unknown. Brother, Australia. Sister, Torres Strait Island.

Animal, flower and power: Red Kangaroo (claws and tail; able to run as fast as a Red Kangaroo), Sturt Desert Rose (tattoo on his left check; flower on the check and the steam down his neck) and can control fire and is immune to bushfires (also can manipulate fire with his hands).

Alter ego: Koa Robinson. Police. 37 (age unknown since they've been in Australia for millions of  years).

Extra accessories: nothing

United States of America (America, Ame)

Family: Father, UK. Mother, France. Brother, Canada. Stepbrothers, New Zealand, Australia. Sons, NATO, UN.

Animal, flower and power: Bald Eagle (claws and abilities; bald eagles eyesight and hearing),  Rose (red rose tattoo; the rose on his hand and the steam swirling up his arm) and super strength.

Alter ego: Sam Smith. Retail Salesman. 34 (age 244 since independence from the British Empire).

Extra accessories: Black sunglasses

Australia (Aussie)

Family: Father, Unknown. Mother, Unknown. Brother, Aboriginal. Sister, Torres Strait Island. Stepfather, United Kingdom. Stepmother, France. Stepbrothers, United States of America, Canada, New Zealand. Nephews, NATO, UN. 

Animal, flower and power: Cockatoo (wings; can fly for long periods of time and can see in the dark), Wattle (Wattle bracelet made out of wived sticks with forever living wattles and leaves) and the ability to breath underwater, swim for days and can manipulate water with his hands. 

Alter ego: Austin Smith. Zoologist. 26 (age 119 since independence from the British Empire).

Extra accessories: great white shark tooth necklace and safari hat (like Steve Irwin, Australia's hero).

Canada (Nada)

Family: Father, United Kingdom. Mother, France. Brother, United States of America. Stepbrothers, Australia, New Zealand. Nephews, NATO, UN. 

Animal, flower and power: Beaver (tail; ability to hear extremely well, can build things fast), Maple leaf (all over his body) and animal control and can heal others. 

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