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Australia leaned over the sink, vomiting a peculiar, pitch black substance and staining his crimson sink. He ran the water, trying to rub off the vomit when a knock rang out from the bathroom door. Australia's wings bursted out, obviously frightened by the unwanted guest. He recoiled his wings, hugging his body as he turned off the water.

"Australia, are you ok?" Asked a voice outside, in a very noticeable Canadian accent. "You just left so suddenly, I was worried."

"Yeah mate." Australia replied, showing his accent and slang. "I just had one too many beers tonight."

Canada gave an acknowledgement to the Australian and said, "we're just going to call it a night. Also, whatever America is saying, it isn't true. He's just really drunk and he's honestly not that bright upstairs."

Australia laughed a bit before puking violently again into the sink. Canada cringed hard, obviously disturbed by what was happening on the other side of the door but decided to kept his mouth shut. He was really reliable to keep a secret from anyone. Canada muttered a 'goodbye' and left with some shouts in an American accent, some drunk Japanese words and a argument between two angry Koreans. As the door slammed shut, two more voices grew louder as they probably walked up the stairs of Australia's two story home. Another knock rang out in Australia's ears as he instantly knew who was there. A concerned, soft female voice whispered between the cracks of the door. "Hey Australia, Aboriginal and I are going to bed. Are you coming?"

"I'll be there in a sec. I'm just a bit sick, Torres." Australia laughed weakly. He was sick, yes, but more than he was letting off. He was an enormous country, and he had equally enormous expectations to live up to. He didn't want his people, allies and family more disappointed at him then they already are. No wonder no one likes him, he doesn't even like himself. Torres Strait Island walked away, still a bit concerned. She is the mother figure of the family after all. 

After a while, when he stopped vomiting, got the stains off the sink and his wings shrunk back to an unnoticeable size, he left the bathroom, going downstairs for some medicine his doctor prescribed to him. He stared over at the clock, ticking away and providing the only sound for miles. Australia's house was pretty isolated; he'll have to walk for miles and miles to get to his neighbours house; and this had some pros and cons. One, he can collect and save animals he finds in the trees engulfing the house. Two, he can have parties and won't disturb his neighbours. And three, which is definitely a con rather than a pro, it's nearly impossible to navigate in the darkness, the forest that is. He can only navigate one-eight of the entire forest, mostly around his house. He had massive anxiety with thief's and robbers breaking in but a small thought of that they'll never find their way in or out of the house, let alone the forest calmed him a bit. But that's not why he can't sleep a night, it's merely an excuse he uses. After swallowing his multiple pills and headed up to his bed.

Torres Strait Island woke up on something definitely not her bed. It was reasonably comfortable, lumpy and made her head and back shriek in pain. She sat up and looked around the room. Sunlight poured in the window near where she was, piles of old junk spread across the room and she finally saw what she was laying on. A couple of boxes laid out perfectly for a bed. Everything was labeled, so she knew what was inside wasn't as breakable as glass. She got up and still felt enormous pain in her head, neck, back and legs. She looked around and saw her brother, Aboriginal, laying next to the boxes he probably slept on, one leg on the boxes and the rest of his body off it. Torres Strait laughed to herself a bit and looked down at the boxes Aboriginal slept on. It contained a small, ripped piece of paper with some smudged ink on it. She picked it up and noticed some wet drops on it. She read the extremely rushed writing.

Sorry.                                                                                                                                         -Australia 

Panic consumed to her almost immediately. She realised where she was and proceeded to try and find the hatchet leading up to it. She heard a loud groan from behind her and turned around to a sleepy Aboriginal, rubbing his head and sitting up. 

"Ugh, my head." He groaned as he looked around. "Where am I?"

"You're in the attic." Torres replied annoyed at him. "Do you feel anything weird?"

"Yeah, my head!" Aboriginal snapped back. "I think I had too much to drink last night."

"You think?" Torres answered sassily and Aboriginal looked at her.

"Other than my head, no, I don't feel weird. Why do you ask?"

"Read this." She said handing him the note and he quickly read it.

"Do you know what this means?" Torres asked, a bit worried. 

"Well, Australia could of committed suicide, I don't real care." Aboriginal replied.

Torres gave him a death stare, pulled off her shoes she was somehow still wearing and threw it right onto the back of Aboriginal's head, making him hiss in pain.

"What was that for!" He shouted, grabbing Torres' shoe. "Thanks to you, my head hurts even more!"

"Than why the fuck did you say Australia committed suicide than!" She snapped back; she finally found the hatchet and opened it. "He's your brother after all, I swear his somewhere. Give me that back." Torres swiftly snatched back the note before he could do anything with it. She climbed down the stairs and Aboriginal followed, only to throw himself back on his bed, fall asleep and snore loudly. Torres Strait Island didn't bother with him and she started walking around the house, shouting Australia's name. After an hour and a half of shouting, no one responded, breaking Torres Strait Island to tears on the kitchen tiles. She got up, still sobbing like a baby, and called the emergency department, filing a missing person case.

The news quickly reached everyone that a country was missing. That's when the world went crazy. Two sides. One side is saddened by Australia's disappearance, the other is rejoicing. Out of  205 countries, three of them don't fall into a category. In the black and white, they're the grey. And they will decide the fate of Australia and the world. 

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