Chapter 4-Suspects Part Two

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"I'm going to regret this one day." 

New Zealand heard footsteps bolting down from the top part of the house to the door. The American pulled the door open, making New Zealand think he was going to rip it off. America was in his usual outfit; a yellow shirt with his flag on it, grey sweatpants, a dark brown belt and his signature black glasses was on top of his head. America was puffing hard like he just ran a marathon. He grabbed the younger brother and gave him a huge bear hug, something that New Zealand hates which means America does it all the time. 

"Zea! My little bro, how are you?" America seemed to scream. New Zealand it still trying to slither out of the hug.

"I'm fine." New Zealand said with a bludging head. "Let go of me or I'll attack you."

"Oh, will you now?" He mocked, squeezing New Zealand harder. "That's cute."

New Zealand, out of pure reflex, bared his sharp claws and dug them into the  right side of America's pants, ripping through his pants and making him bleed a bit to much for comfort. America let go of him, fell to the ground and howled in pain. New Zealand got control of himself and looked over to what he'd done. America was wimping like a baby and when New Zealand came to help, he waved him off.

"I'm fine." America breathed. "I've faced worse. Get me inside, can you."


America just nodded and New Zealand helped him inside. New Zealand placed America on the couch and grabbed a bandage from the first-aid kit America, for some unknown reason, has. The wound was still bleeding and New Zealand isn't the best at Medical stuff but is better than a lot of countries. New Zealand bandaged up America and he muttered a sort of grateful, 'thanks'. America laid down, spreading himself all over the couch and just started talking like there was no tomorrow. 

A hour passed and New Zealand decided to get to why he was really here and he sort of wanted America to stop talking.

"Ame," he started and cut America off from telling a really weird story. "Tell me how you feel about Aussie's disappearance."

"Well," America started, not even questioning why New Zealand was asking such a question when the conversation was about Trump and Putin. "I don't believe Aussie existed."

Here we go again. New Zealand thought, mentally preparing himself for the stupidity about what America was going to say. America continued, "so since Aussie never existed, why should I worry about him?"

"Because if Aussie never existed, there's a huge  in the bit of ocean with millions of people drowning to death." New Zealand said raising an eyebrow. "Also, why do you believe Aussie never existed?"

"I've heard it from Scotland once and she made some convincing points. One, when Aussie was founded, dad was in a very hard place because I just became the United States of A-fucking-Merica and the amount of people in jail was too much for them to handle. So they shipped them out on a boat, saying that a guy named Captain James Cook found this huge Island and that's where they'll be going but then dumping them in the middle of the ocean for them to drown. Dad made it up, end of story."

"You know that there was other people on the first fleet that wasn't forced to be there, like people wanting a new life in a different place that was NOT America and do you really think that much people who witness the British captains threw hundreds of people overboard will keep quiet? Plus, if they did dump everyone in the ocean but the ships crew; and the reason that only the crew will survive is because who will they go back and tell everyone about the new colony; one of the crew would surely break and tell everyone about what's happening. Long story short, dad wouldn't existed because he just killed off thousands of his population and lied about finding a huge landmass with new creatures, amazing soil and a new life. Plus add that to the child labourers in that time and boom, that's how you spark a revolution."

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