Chapter 5-Meanwhile...

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Adam returned to his cell in the middle of the night. What kind of shocked the soldiers were that he was more awake than an owl. They ignored it and took him back. Adam looked around the place. He couldn't count how many cells there was, it seemed to go on for years and years. The moonlight shined into this prison in the weirdest of spots; that's when Adam realised that there's no windows where he's cellblock is, probably none in the entire place. In fact, this place looked more like a factory than any prison Adam had seem in his lifetime. A soldier started jabbing him in the back with the end of the rifle for slowing down. He granted and picked up the pace. A soldier opened the iron door and the other one kicked him in. He fell over and was dragged by both soldiers, by his legs, to the back wall where he was chained up to the wall. He was dropped, again, and the one soldier laughed. Adam looked at him and gave him a death glare.

"What's so funny to ya?" He asked, struggling a bit to sit up. "Is pain hilarious to ya? Or something else on your mind?"

"Idiot!" The soldier chuckled. "The next months are going to be living hell for you! Grand Marshal Kang-dae will be here soon and you better watch out."

The soldier left the cell but stayed outside with his friend. Adam chuckled quietly. 

Great, my very own bodyguards. Wonder why he did that? Adam weakly got up and observed his surroundings. Unlike he's last cell, this one was definitely long term. A bed was lying on the ground with a thin blanket and a straw pillow. The other side of the room had a bucket for toiletry reasons; where else was Adam going to go to do his business; and behind him was a small sized window but instead of glass, there was thick bars. Adam laughed a bit. Maybe I was wrong with the whole 'no window' thing. Adam looked out and slipped his arms though, finding out how skinny he was. Before he came here, he was a little to skinny for comfort but now he was going to be deathly skinny in a matter of weeks and maybe death would knock on his iron door soon. It was a freezing cold night, he could see his breath as clear as day, but he had no resistance towards it. He shook like a wet car but it never bothered him. There was only one thing that took his mind off the cruel reality he was now living in. His family.

He thought of happy memories with his brothers, pranking each other nearly everyday, exploring the wilderness with them, just the memory of spreading time with them made him homesick like he never has been before. Well once before this. His heart filled with dread and he started to wipe. Adam started wishing for their warmth and love, for their cheerfulness and determination, just to see them healthy and alive was all he wanted, all he dreamt of. Adam places he's head on a bar and grind his teeth together. 

Shut up! It's not like your never going to see them again. You're going to get out of this, alive rather than dead, and crying about it won't solve anything. Adam sighed, stopping himself from having a rant inside his head, and retracted from the window and laid down on his bed. It wasn't like he was about to break into song like a weird musical about his sorrows. All he did was faced the wall and continued to abuse himself until he fell asleep.

Father was right. I'm a pussy and always will be, no matter what I do.

The next day was quite eventful. It didn't start out that way but suddenly at noon, Adam was plugged into action. Adam was enjoying flavourless soup when he heard his iron door unlocking. He hid his soup in his bucket, which already had something in it, and sat on his bed, surprising himself how little amount of noise he made despite the fact that he was chain up and chains aren't exactly the quietest thing in the world. He hid it mainly because the guards love seeing him going though hell and neg for a scrap of food. They weren't exactly the nicest people he'd ever meet, but they were far off from being the worse.

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