she wakes up after a nightmare and you're not next to her

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She shot up in bed, panting and sweating after the horrible nightmare that had just taken place. She can still picture it and she can feel the anxiety coming on from the memory of it.

She needed to make sure you were okay. She carefully patted around the bed and when she didn't feel you next to her she started to panic.

She turned the lamp on and saw your side of the bed was empty. She jumped out of bed, nearly falling to the floor when the blanket got caught around her foot. She pulled it off and ran down the stairs. "Y/n! Y/n?"

"Ashley?" She jumped when she heard your voice but ran over to you. She wrapped her arms around you and pulled you close. "Is everything okay? What happened?" You rubbed her back up and down, trying your best to calm her down and comfort her.

"I had a bad dream and you weren't there when I woke up and-" "Oh, Ash. I'm so sorry. I couldn't fall asleep so I came down and got some water. I've been down here for a little while now." She let out a heavy sigh and nodded her head.

You could see the worry and fear in her eyes. You could tell whatever she had dreamt of had really freaked her out. Her grip on you was tight as if she was afraid that if she let go you'd vanish.

You held your hand out for her and she reluctantly let go of you. Her hand laced with yours and she let you walk her to the couch. She laid her head on your lap when you sat down and you took a moment to run your fingers through her hair. "Ashley tell me what happened in your dream."

She was hesitant. She felt this silly fear that if she spoke of it, it might actually happen. She was scared of really losing you, just like she had in her nightmare.

"You left. I came home one day and you were just... gone." You let out a sad sigh and rubbed her shoulder softly. You know she's afraid that'll actually happen one day, despite you always swearing to her that it never would.

But you understood her fear and why she was so shaken up, especially since you weren't next to her after a dream so terrible. "That'll never happen. I love you so much, Ash. Way too much to ever leave you. I promise."

She lifted her head and raised her hand up to brush her thumb across your cheek. "I love you so much. I don't know what I'd ever do without you." She whispered as she locked eyes with you. You leaned down and gave her a loving kiss before placing a few kisses to her forehead. "I love you too."

You played with her hair and watched her eyes start to droop. You hummed quietly in her ear and pressed kisses to places like her forehead and neck. She was starting to relax, the tension and fear slowly leaving her body.

And after a few minutes, she fell back asleep. You didn't even bother carrying her upstairs to bed. You didn't wanna take a chance on waking her up, so you just let her sleep there on your lap.

You put your head back on the couch and closed your eyes. You felt her hand grab yours, even in her sleep she needed that contact with you. It made you smile, and that's exactly how you fell asleep.

Halsey Imagines (girlxgirl) - completed Where stories live. Discover now