she misses you while she's away on tour - part two (requested)

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Three weeks have gone by before you knew it and today, you're finally gonna see your girlfriend again.

You've both been counting down the days. You worked harder than ever before to finish up all your work stuff so you could see her as soon as possible. And it all felt worth it now.

Your flight landed about an hour ago and you just arrived at the venue. You pulled your bags behind you as you ran up to the door where security is. They recognized you and stepped aside to let you go through.

You excitedly ran down the seemingly never-ending hallway until you stood right outside Ashley's dressing room. This is it. You knocked on the door and waited for her to answer and when she did she immediately pulled you into her arms.

"Oh, my baby. I've missed you so much!" She said gleefully. She twirled you around in her arms, a couple of tears falling from her eyes and hitting your hair softly. She put you on your feet and kicked the door closed with her foot before she pushed her lips to yours and guided you over to the couch.

"Did you have a good flight?" She tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear and kissed your cheek. "Yeah. Felt like it would never end though." She giggled happily, her smile wider than you've ever seen before. "It's been so long. I've missed you so much."

Ashley wrapped her arms around you and pulled you to her chest. "I've missed you too y/n. I've got so much planned out for us to do, starting tomorrow." You looked at the time on your phone. It's only a little after eleven am. "Why? We could go out now." Ashley nodded her head but leaned in to start kissing along your jaw. "I know, but I'd much rather spend the day just getting to hold you and kiss you. Until I have to go on stage tonight, I'm not leaving your side and I'm not letting you leave mine, either."

You laughed and rested your head on her shoulder as she started to rub your back. She laid back on the couch and tugged you on top of her. She rested her forehead on yours and gazed into your eyes for a few seconds before she reached her hand up to gently stroke your cheek. "Love you so much. I'm so happy you're here with me."

You bit your lip and held back a smirk. "I'm here till tour ends." Ashley's eyes went wide before another smile tugged her lips up. "Seriously? That's almost a month." You nodded and buried your face in her neck. "I know. But I managed to work it out and I'm here till the tour ends." Ashley wrapped both her arms around your back and squeezed you happily.

"You happy?" You asked as you ran your fingers through her hair. "I've never been happier. I love you so much. I'm gonna make sure these next few weeks are absolutely unforgettable for you." You kissed her collarbone and smiled against her skin. "I love you too and I look forward to every moment."

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