kissing your neck to get your attention

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Ashley let out a sigh and stretched her arms out over her head when the last episode of the show she's been binge-watching the last few days finally finished.

Though she was a little saddened that she'd reached the end, she couldn't deny the happiness she felt knowing that now she was gonna have your attention.

She looked over at you and her pulse began to race upon seeing you sinking your teeth into your lip as you flipped through the pages and studied the words on each one; only more fascinated with every chapter you read.

Always the bookworm, she admired how much you love to read. It melts her heart quite a bit, seeing how happy you are when you read.

But, the longer you focused on the book in your lap the less time she has to spend with you. She's been cherishing every minute by your side over the last few days.

It's not her last day off, but she only has today and tomorrow till things pick up again and she finds herself leaving early in the morning and arriving home later than she wishes.

"Baby?" She whispered, softly brushing her fingers along your shoulder blade. Your off-the-shoulder top exposed your smooth skin and she was loving how it allowed her to brush her fingers along your skin as much as she pleased. "Do you even know that I'm here?" She wondered, to which you chuckled.


"Okay. How many pages do you still have left?"

"A bunch." You mumbled, to which Ashley just groaned and let her cheek fall to your shoulder.

"But, baby," she whined. "I want to spend time with you. You promised that you'd be ready to after I finished the last few episodes of the show I was watching."

"I know. I mean it, I promise. Just... a few more pages."

"Yeah, okay." She scoffed playfully. "Come on, baby girl. We can do," she paused, kissing your jaw before she made her way to your ear, whispering, "Whatever you want."

Your breath hitched. Her words and the way she spoke sent a shiver down your spine.

"We could watch a movie." She whispered, kissing your shoulder. "We could go for a walk. It's a beautiful day outside. Hear the birds singing?"

You were sure it was a beautiful sound... but it was hard to hear over your heart beating wildly in your ears as her lips trailed to your collarbones and then your neck; your weak spot.

"We could play some games. Bake something. Binge-watch a show on Netflix," she tossed out suggestion after suggestion, all while kissing your neck and occasionally letting her teeth sink into your skin which made your eyes close and your breath hitch as you put your head back, hoping she'd kiss more of your now exposed skin.

"We could learn a new recipe together,"

You cut her off by leaning forward and tugging at her hair, causing her head to lift. You pressed your lips onto hers and brought her in for a passionate kiss.

She sighed softly against your lips.

"Or we could just make-out instead."

She giggled and laced her fingers into your hair.

"I'd like that. I'm just happy to have your attention now." She closed her eyes, smiling when you trailed kisses to her chin. "At least I know what to do if I ever need your attention in the future."

You nodded quickly before kissing her again, letting the book slide off your lap and onto the floor by your feet as she kissed you with as much love as she could pour into her kisses.

Halsey Imagines (girlxgirl) - completed Where stories live. Discover now