Beyond the Rings: Chapter six

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    "Come on, girls. Another few miles to go!" Dominica was leading the run today. During the first few hours of training, they did a circuit, with 2 people doing weights, 2 people doing technique training, and 3 people running for cardio health. Oralie, one of the younger members on the team, moaned as Dominica increased the pace.

"Give us a break, Nica!" She yelled from the back of the pack, still keeping pace and panting heavily. The newcomers always have the hardest time when they've been chosen for a team. Adjusting to the heart-pounding workout that came with being on a top team.

Cosimia dropped her weights for a second, checking her wristband tracker. There were still 8 minutes in this rotation. Her muscles were screaming from the physical exertion but she lifted the weights again and continued to lift them, letting her tired arms drop to her sides as she released.

Cosimia had been thinking much about how to escape the rings, but she couldn't find any weaknesses that the rings could possibly have. The books she had borrowed, while wonderful, weren't giving her anything on how to leave. She could ask the librarian but she didn't want to trust a man who could remember everything, and who could potentially tell someone about her plan.

"I know that face, Cosi. What's on your mind?" Airlia skipped up to her, swinging her weights like they were made of nothing.

"Nothing important." Cosimia set her weights down on the ground and wiped her forehead with a cool towel. Airlia hummed suspiciously but left. She would love to tell her friend about everything but Airlia talked to everyone, whether they wanted to hear her ramble on about Goddess knows what or not. She didn't want to take any chances. Oralie leaned forward, resting her hands on her knees.

"Thank the Goddess that's over." She gasped, slowly trudging to the cool-down station. They had a five-minute break before the next rotation started. Cosimia took her place on the track, shaking her arms and jumping lightly on the ball of her feet. Freda crouched next to her, tying up her black and red hair into a messy bun, stray pieces of black hair poking out from the bun. The rotation started and Cosimia leaped forward, keeping her strides long and her pace fast. The purpose of training rotations was to strengthen your endurance and speed so she had to make sure she was pushing her limits. As she neared the end of one lap, she saw a scrawny, mouselike girl scurrying towards the track, eyes darting back and forth fearfully.

Cosimia veered off the track, slowing her pace as she neared the girl.

"May I help you?"

"U-um, your mother has asked for your presence, Hun-Huntress Nedias, along with all the 10th years." Cosimia unfolded the paper, recognizing her mother's handwriting. She looked at the girl again who was visibly shaking.

"Thank you. You may go." Cosimia hadn't even finished before the girl ran off, clearly relieved to leave. Oralie came up behind her, glaring at Cosimia.

"Well, that wasn't very nice. Did you see how scared the little girl was? You could've at least smiled." Cosimia turned to her and raised an eyebrow, just like Mother did. When she had become Huntress three weeks ago, she had begun practiced Mother's faces, trying to look as intimidating as she did.

"Why are you standing here, talking to me, when you should be over there, bench pressing?" Cosimia pointed to the empty bench press table. Oralie didn't answer and ran back. Cosimia fingered the slip of paper, wondering what could possibly be so important. Usually, her mother handled everything without help. Why would she need all the 10th years?

She pressed the amplify button on her wristband and clapped.

"Shower off, ladies. We have a meeting."

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