Beyond the Rings: Chapter sixteen

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The illustrations Cosimia had seen of Terra looked like mere children's drawings compared to the true splendor of the planet. Brilliant varieties of blues and greens swirled together in a glass-like orb, giving it an otherworldly feel. Terra seemed to have a halo of white-blue. Cosimia couldn't peel herself away from the glass. The senator chuckled fondly at their awestruck expressions.

"She's a beaut, that one. Even after living there for almost 60 years, the sight still astounds me," he rested a pudgy elbow on the glass table, leaning on it. All the words died in her mouth. Words didn't seem like enough to describe this hidden gemstone of a world. Solis was brighter here, more insistent. Cosimia squinted against the golden light.

"Is Solis always this close?"

"Oh yes. Here almost every day, that one. Gets a bit annoying after some time, I will say." Cosimia couldn't bring herself to imagine what that would be like. To feel the warmth, always there, never gone. Maybe she could move to Terra after saving Saturnus. Cosimia swept those thoughts out of her mind.

Don't ruin the moment.

The senator noticed her wondering expression and softened. "I bet you ladies don't get to see much of Solis where you come from, eh?" Cosimia shook her head.

"Approaching unknown atmosphere," the monotone voice echoed through the silent chamber. The senator cursed and ran to the cockpit, surprisingly agile for a middle-aged man.

"I forgot to tell you about the atmosphere. This might be a wee bit uncomfortable if you aren't used to heat." Dominica snapped up, ram-rod straight. Her contrasting blue and orange eyes burned holes into the man's back.

"How uncomfortable?" Dominica growled, but before she could get to the senator she clutched her head and stumbled back, gasping slightly. Her expression of anger rippled to fear and panic. Airlia ran to her aid, holding Dominica up. Cosimia felt her anger bubble as she glared at the man.

"What did you do?" she seethed, debating whether to lunge at the portly man or help Dominica.

The senator remained calm, much to Cosimia's infuriation. "My dear, I did remind you that entering the atmosphere wouldn't be pleasant. This is your first time." Before she could respond, painful waves of heat threatened to knock Cosimia down, stifling and thick. She fell to the floor, eagerly gulping in the cool, clean air. But soon even that was gone, covered by the smothering blankets of heat. Even the senator was sweating, heaving slightly.

"Almost there," he huffed out through measured breathing. The Lady Vortex rattled, so hard that Cosimia couldn't even see her two fingers in front of her. Digging her nails into the slivers of crevices in the metal floor of the ship, Cosimia squeezed her eyes shut so hard they began to ache. It will be over soon. It would. It had to. As if the Dea had heard her prayers, the heat receded, making way for the cool air once again. It flooded her lungs, sweet and relieving. Dominica stood, looking like a raged boven.

"You," she growled before leaping at the man. Nova held her back and she jerked and twisted, attempting to break from Nova's vice-like grip.

"It's no use, Domi. He did say. We're here." Airlia said, before sending a warning look at the man. Senator Alderidge relaxed a little more, sweeping his arms out wide to the sprawl of cities below.

"Couldn't have said it better myself, love. Welcome to Terra." Cosimia couldn't stop gaping-again-at the architectural marvels beneath. They were tall, smooth, impossibly shiny.

"Is this your town?" Freda asked, turning away from the window for a brief second.

"This is my hometown. The Newer Yorkston Region."

Beyond the Rings: Book one of the Saturnus TriologyWhere stories live. Discover now