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R O M E S S A / M A R C O.
That's Amore

N E O N | T R E E S - Sleeping With A Friend"Why mess up a good thing, baby? It's a risk to even fall in love—So when you give that look to me, I'd better look back carefully

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N E O N | T R E E S - Sleeping With A Friend
"Why mess up a good thing, baby?
It's a risk to even fall in love—
So when you give that look to me,
I'd better look back carefully."

One Month Later.

"Are you excited? I'm excited!" Bella held up her iPhone, clearly filming Romessa for a new YouTube video as the Moroccan attempted to do some last-minute packing. At last, Bella and Julian had decided to have their wedding ceremony in a small village near Amalfi, Italy. This didn't come to Romessa as a surprise—the location was beautiful—but she didn't know that her supposed "duty", as the maid of honor, was to travel with the bride to go see the venue options in person. So when Bella called Romessa the previous night to make sure that she was all packed, Romessa was shocked—but knew she couldn't not go. So, they were scheduled to fly to Italy in just two hours, and Romessa was attempting to pack for the next three days as quickly as she could—a task which was far harder than it seemed.

It'd been weeks since the incident between Romessa and Jessica, in which Marco had virtually ignored Romessa like the plague. Romessa told herself that she didn't care, and that she was perfectly capable with going about her life without Marco Reus. Them giving one another the cold shoulder certainly wasn't anything new. Besides, she had far more important things to worry about than the Reus's. It was the middle of October now, and Romessa was focused primarily on one thing—her career.

She was still attempting to legitimize her program; to prove to the Bundesliga executives that it would be a worthy investment. William's father was a hard man to convince—his scrutiny and skepticism was a quality he'd passed down to his son. The controversial publicity Romessa constantly received meant that the league was even more skeptical of sponsoring something with her name attached to it, causing her to work harder than ever as of late to prove that the rumors meant nothing.

Borussia Dortmund had already given Romessa a staff position under the training division, meaning she worked with a variety of the team's players for any number of reasons that Athleta was capable of handling. Her projects with the different players were yielding remarkable progress—her program was largely the driving force behind a series of the improvements various players had been exhibiting, contributing overall to the team's impeccable form. But of course the media was focused more on her relationship with William Seifert, her role as maid of honor in Bella and Julian's wedding, her whereabouts, her appearance—anything but her professional pursuits, which were praise-worthy.

Romessa didn't tell a single soul about how lonely she felt; how difficult it sometimes was to simply get out of bed. After all, who could she confide in? Marco had made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with her. She'd tried William, but he dismissed it and suggested that she get a therapist. Her friends, as supportive as they were, simply wouldn't understand the complex nature of her trauma—she didn't want to give them the burden of expecting them to. So she kept her sorrow to herself, and told herself that she was strong enough to overcome it on her own.

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