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M A R C O / R O M E S S A.
Innocent Until Guilty

B I L L I E | E I L L I S H - Everything I Wanted"If I knew it all then, would I do it again?"

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B I L L I E | E I L L I S H - Everything I Wanted
"If I knew it all then, would I do it again?"

"I want a divorce."

Marco had practiced those words, over and over, for the past ten minutes. Staring at his reflection, he tried to practice how he'd look when he said them to Jessica, who was talking on the phone downstairs. He didn't want to sound how he felt—nervous, uncertain. He wasn't uncertain about the fact that he wanted a divorce; that had been obvious to him for months now. He was more so uncertain of how his life would play out after the fact. But, deciding that he wouldn't know unless he went in headfirst, he'd already made the decision—and now all that was left was for him to deliver it. Again, he opened his mouth to practice. "I want—"

"Marco, what are you doing up here?" Jessica entered their large bedroom, causing him to jump before he let out a breath. Should I say it now? "I called your name several times, and you didn't respond. You should start getting ready. We have the dinner in half an hour, or have you forgotten?"

Marco let out a breath. Jessica didn't know that he knew about her infidelity—he was planning on telling her once he broke it to her that he wanted the divorce. He'd already gone over their prenuptial agreements, and he knew she wouldn't give up the marriage without a fight. The multi-million euro house they'd purchased together was in both of their names; it was their largest asset. Everything else was in Marco's name, anyways—and because of Jessica's increasing age, her modeling career was steadily waning. A divorce would likely leave her with absolutely nothing, and when the public discovered it, he'd be painted as villainous—but he didn't care.

That night, the national team was having a routine dinner to celebrate their qualification for the Euros. Everyone would be there—and so would the media. Fuck, he thought. I can't show up with Jessica, but I don't want to miss the dinner. He knew Romessa would be there—he didn't know if she'd be with or without William. Just do it, he thought, as he stepped back. "Jessica," he spoke, "You won't be coming to the dinner."

Jessica blinked. "Excuse me?"

"You aren't coming with me to the dinner, or any event after that," he declared. "Because from this point on, you and I are no longer together. I want a divorce."

Jessica let out a breath. "Are you serious?"

"I'm about as serious as your affair with Robert Lewandowski," spat Marco, "Which resulted in a very serious pregnancy."

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