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M A R C O / R O M E S S A
From The Bottom of My Heart

romessa: italy 💋🍒💦😎 with @belladltorre @julianbrandt @marcinho11 somewhere off-screen

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romessa: italy 💋🍒💦😎 with @belladltorre @julianbrandt @marcinho11 somewhere off-screen...
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"Now that I've taken a satisfactory photo, would you please hurry up?" Marco grinned and pushed his sunglasses up his nose as he turned and stared down at the Moroccan, who struggled to keep up with the athlete as they walked up a narrow road lined by pastel buildings. It was noon, and the pair were exploring one of the small local villages for locations that may be of interest for Julian and Bella's wedding.

"You don't understand how hard it is to walk up an unpaved, narrow, and steep uphill road in platform heels." Romessa rolled her eyes, finally catching up to the German. "Besides, we can't all be as athletic as you."

"Well, I did tell you not to wear them, didn't I?" Marco ruffled Romessa's hair with a teasing smile, knowing that she'd try—and fail—to swat his quick hands away. They'd split from Julian and Bella, who'd traveled about forty minutes away to see Positano. At the end of the day, they'd all reconvene and discuss their findings—but until then, Marco and Romessa had an entire village to themselves, as well as the freedom which came along with not having to worry about the press.

Clad in a strikingly seductive ensemble from IAMGIA and black platforms with teasing laces wrapped around her calves, Romessa was nothing short of stunning—even in the eyes of the man married to a supermodel. Despite her competition—the beautiful scenery around them—Marco couldn't keep his eyes off of her. After having made amends the day before, it was easy for them to fall back into old patterns; the hardest part was keeping Julian and Bella from suspecting it. "Ugh. Whatever," Romessa finally rolled her eyes, pausing to place her hands on a wall in order to catch her breath. "Do you hear that sound?"

Marco blinked, then listened closely to their surroundings, attempting to scan for any sound other than the waves down on the shore or the birds above. Sure enough, he finally heard the distant sounds of an upbeat harmony flowing from a location that must've been nearby, causing him to raise his eyebrows in wonder. "I wonder what it is," mused the German. "Should we go find out?"

Romessa grinned, her eyes brightening with curiosity. "I think we should."

"Let's go, then." Marco dashed off, causing Romessa to groan as she struggled, yet again, to keep up with his quick feet. Finally, they rounded the corner of a yellow building which opened onto a large plaza; Romessa blinked in surprise as she stared at the lively environment. There was a grocer's market—families shopped around, people chatted, and kids ran around playing football with one another—and, near an ancient-looking fountain, a local band played music for all of the village to hear.

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