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R O M E S S A.
Then As it Was, Then Again it Will Be

@promiflash: New hair, same @romessa? The 20-year-old is stunning as she watches the highly anticipated der Klassiker (with seamlessly installed hair extensions—is she bored of the bob already?!), but sources are saying her good looks and lively f...

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@promiflash: New hair, same @romessa? The 20-year-old is stunning as she watches the highly anticipated der Klassiker (with seamlessly installed hair extensions—is she bored of the bob already?!), but sources are saying her good looks and lively friends still didn't stop her from getting into yet another verbal dispute with @jessicasreus. Our top-notch photographers captured these images just moments ago—just what could be the matter this time? Turn on your post notifications as we continue to post updates about all of tonight's noteworthy moments—and believe us, there will be plenty!
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"Romessa, just ignore her. She's baiting you—and she's getting what she wants. The media is already reporting about it." Bella held up her phone and showed Romessa photos of herself that'd been taken just minutes ago, already released for millions of people to see.

The argument between Romessa and Jessica had been trivial at best—Romessa had spent her day in meetings, and arrived to the match only in time to see the referee blow the halftime whistle. Jessica, feeling a vicarious sense of pride after watching Marco convert a striking corner kick into a goal, had emboldened herself to make a remark about Romessa's tardiness—something the Moroccan took offense to. Still, the tension in the room was just as high as the tension on the pitch—if not, it'd surpassed it. Romessa scoffed at the photos Bella showed her, then spoke. "I can't deal with this right now," she declared. "Let's just go somewhere else."

"Alright," chimed Bella, with risen eyebrows. "Where should we sit?"

"Anywhere but here," responded Romessa, as she began to make her way past the bar and towards the exit. She didn't care if sitting in the stands meant she'd have to deal with drunk and loud supporters—it was still better than standing in the same room as Jessica.

Romessa's entire day had been stressful—that is, of course, after she left Marco's house. She'd managed to escape Jessica catching them, but not Lucia—Romessa encountered the five year old while going to get a glass of water from the kitchen. But Lucia didn't know what it meant for Romessa to be at her house at seven in the morning, or so Romessa prayed. It was oddly moving how much remorse Marco's daughter showed for the hair Romessa had cut off—and it was partially why Romessa found herself leaving the salon a few hours later with hair that was several inches longer.

When she arrived home to William, she managed to convince him that she'd spent the night at Bella's place, and apologized for what he labeled an "intoxicated tantrum". But then they simply got into another argument over Robert Lewandowski's investment offer, which Romessa didn't want to accept—yet she couldn't properly explain why without exposing her affair with Marco. After leaving home, she spent the entire day meeting with immigration lawyers, which introduced her to another issue: she would have to marry a German citizen to automatically become a citizen herself and bring her own parents to the country. Otherwise, the process for all three of them could take years—and that was time none of them had.

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