𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆

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Asmai: How old are you?

Payton: 17.

Asami: How tall are you?

Payton: 6'0.

Asmai: Have you ever had a girlfriend?

Payton: Yup.

Asmai: How many?

Payton: Does it matter?

Asmai: I rest my case!

Payton: What case, Asmai?

Asmai: You're a playing pretty boy!

Payton: Pretty boy? Wait, you think I'm a player?

Asmai: Look at you! You have the player vibe!

Payton: What is 'the player vibe?'

Asmai: You, clearly!

Payton: Fine. I've had 1 girlfriend.

Asmai: Really?

You say taking off your shoes.

Payton: Yes, freshman year. I dated a junior but when she transferred schools we ended it. It lasted longer than I thought it would.

Asmai: Hm, okay.

Payton: Can I ask you questions now?

Asmai: Yes.

Payton: What's your favorite snack?

Asmai: Chocolate covered pineapples.

Payton: Favorite book?

Asmai: Any romance book, probably.

Payton: Okay, what's your biggest fear?

Asmai: Um, I haven't really thought much on it. How bout you?

Payton: Mine would probably be not being enough.

Asmai: Elaborate...

Payton: I mean like not being enough for someone. I always have this thought in my head like what if I wasn't enough for my 8th grade crush that's my she rejected me. What if I wasn't enough for my mom that's why she left. What if I will never be enough for a girl to love me...

Asmai: I- wow. That was deep. And I'm sorry about the mom thing.

Payton: Me too.

Asmai: And what do you mean? Of course and girl would love you! She's out there some where!

Payton: Well damn I'd wish she would hurry the fuck up! I would love to have a girlfriend right about now.

We both laugh.

Payton: When was your last boyfriend?

Asmai: Um...

Payton: Recent?

Asmai: Not at all.

Payton: You never had one before?

You look around the jet.

Asmai: Very nice couch, right!

Payton: Wait, Asmai's never had a boyfriend?!

Asmai: I never had time for one! I was taken out of school early, I barley experienced public middle school and once they told I could have had a chance to join the most hated that was all I thought about.

Payton: Well now that you've got what you want, will you go looking for one?

Asmai: I'll try but I definitely can't trust easily being who I am.

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