𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒘𝒂𝒓 𝑷𝒕.1

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You text him a few more times.

"Payton. We need to talk about the mission! Hello!?"

He still hasn't texted back. After a while you stop thinking about it until you get a facetime call from him You didn't expect to see this.

Payton is tied to a pole, beaten up, and knocked out.

Asmai: Payton! Are you okay?!

?: Oh, he's just fine.

A voice says behind the camera.

Asmai: I don't give a shit who you are! Let him go!

Until he brings his face into the camera.

?: You might give one now. Hi, Asmai. I'm Diaz. Ricardo Diaz.

Your stomach drops.

Asmai: Wh- what do you want?!

Ricardo: I want all that evidence you have of my trade sweetheart.

You feel instant regret in your heart.

Ricardo: I saw you, love. If someone has illegal business going on, don't you think that they would cameras everywhere...

Asmai: I'm serious! Leave Payton alone.

Ricardo: I'm afraid I can't do that. See you're a smart girl and I trust you will make the right decision. I've been in this business for 15 years and no one has EVER gotten as close as you have so please... Let's make this easy on all of us. You hand me all the evidence and you get the boy back.

You brainstorm for a quick second.

Asmai: Fine...

Ricardo: Excellent!

Asmai: Where...

Ricardo: That warehouse where Zo and Ernie are bringing the other...essentials.

Asmai: Now, when...

Ricardo: Let's say... 10:45 am on the dot.

Asmai: You're one shallow ass dude you know that?

Ricardo: I sure do, and if you decide to bring your little possy of bone heads be careful to not fuck anything up.

Asmai: Oh trust me. You've already fucked everything up!

You hang up the phone quickly and send out a group text for everyone to meet in your room. In less than 3 minutes everyone's there.

Will: What is it?

Lena: Are you okay?!

Erin: What happen?

Asmai: Guys... Ricardo kidnapped Payton.

Mike: WHAT!?

Rossi: Oh, no...

Will: When?! How did this happen?!

Asmai: He called me from Payton's phone a few minutes ago. He hurt Payton really bad.

Rossi: That's horrible...

Mike: Asmai, I need more details!

Will: Mike, calm down-

Mike: I can't, Will! My son is gone and I need to find him!

Asmai: Ricardo said I have to give him all the evidence of the drug trade in order for us to get Payton back.

Octo: Well, we can't just give it up. We need it.

Lena: This is terrible how do we fix this?

Everyone starts talking at the same time.

Lucas: Guys...

*Continues to talk*

Lucas: GUYS!

Everyone looks up at Lucas.

Lucas: What if we just give him the other evidence.

Erin: What?

Lena: I get it! He means if we make a copy of the evidence. We keep the fresh stuff and give Ricardo the copy in exchange for Payton!

Asmai: Genius!

Will: Asmai, what time is the exchange?

Asmai: 10:45 on the dot.

Mike pulls your father into the hall out the room.

Mike: You gotta find my son, Will...

Will: Trust me, Mike. I will.

Back in the room

Lucas: I know a guy who could help us. I knew him back in coding camp before he moved here when he feds were up his ass about him cracking the missionary code.

Lena: Oooh, he was the dude that was all over the news a few years back.

Lucas: Yup!

Octo: Damn.

Asmai: Guys, focus please! We need to get to that coding guys asap!

Lucas: Got it! Everyone get ready! Meet me in the main room in 20.

This one was short because I have something big planned for the next part! 👉🏽👈🏽

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