𝑺𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒅 𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆

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10:45 am

You wake up to see Payton isn't in the bed. You check the bathroom. Nothing. You take a peek into the hallway. Nothing. You quietly walk down the hall and look around the corner to see Payton on the phone with someone.

Payton: Piper, I know, okay.... I miss you too.... No, its only you.... Okay, love you too... Bye.

You go back to the room before Payton can and you dress up for the day.

You see Payton sitting on the bed but you chose to ignore him.

Payton: Hey, Asmai.

You grab your fanny pack, and phone then leave the room.

Payton: Asmai?

Payton follows behind you.

You leave out the house and Payton can't follow you because you walk into a huge crowd.

Payton: Asmai!

You look behind you one final time before going on the walk alone.

After a couple of minutes of walking you meet up with 2 of your teammates. Octo and Lena.

Lena: O-m-g! Mai, I missed you so much!

She gives you a big hug.

Octo: I can't believe your dad took you off the team.

You give him a hug too.

Lena: No, Oct. He didn't fully just.. temporarily.

Octo: Anyways, where's Payton?

Asmai: I left him behind...

Lena: Why?

Asmai: I just needed a break from him.

Octo: So-

Asmai: Guys, focus! I called you two specifically because I knew I could trust you.

Lena and Octo nod their heads in agreement ready to hear more.

Asmai: Yesterday, Payton and I did a little investigating. Since, Pops believes what I showed him was irrelevant I wanted to show him it wasn't.

Octo: So, what cha got?

You pull out your phone and show them the pictures.

Asmai: In the basement of that 'car shop' there is illegal drug making.

Lena: Will was talking about the dude who stopped us before. He was with the drug trade.

Asmai: Exactly! I was able to catch 4 names. Chino, Zo, Ernie and Ricardo.

Lena and Octo share a panic.

Lena: As an Ricardo Diaz?

Asmai: Yeah...

Octo: Aw shit!

Octo says placing his hand on his forehead pacing side to side.

Asmai: What?! What's so bad?

You say looking at both of them waiting for an answer.

Asmai: Guys!?

Lena: Mai, Ricardo Diaz is Will's worst enemy! That's who made your dad create this entire team! Ricardo was Park's partner in crime and they would make massive plans to take your dad and all of us down until Park chose law before bro's. Even though Park still is involved with criminal activity to this day.

Asmai: Shit!

Octo: Exactly!

Lena: We could-

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