𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚

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At the house

You go straight into your father's room.

Asmai: So, moms never coming back, huh?

Will: She picked her side, Asmai.

Asmai: Are you two still married?

He sighs.

Will: Can we talk about this at a another time? I'm pretty tired.

Asmai: Yeah, sure...

You go back to your room and see that all of Payton's belongings are gone.

You decide to ask Lena has she seen him but when you open the door you see them both on the bed making out.


You nearly close the door and go to our own room. Payton rushes in before you could close it.

Asmai: Get out!

Payton: No.

Asmai: Get the hell out!

Payton: No! Let me explain!

You go to the leave the room but he picks you up from behind and slams you onto the bed and pins your arms down.

Asmai: Let me go, now!

Payton: No, let me explain!

Asmai: There's nothing to explain! Congratulations, you official broke me.

He gives you an odd look.

Payton: I broke you?

Asmai: I've been trying to fight off this feeling for so long but I can't anymore!

Payton: Asmai, what are you talking about?

Asmai: I lied. I did have a boyfriend before. I meet him when we were 14. He was put into the gang world early. We dated for 2 and a half year and I loved him with everything I had and just like you he cheated on me with another girl in his gang and had her break with me for him! And shit from that point on I told myself I would never date a gang boy again!

You push him off of you with everything you had.

Asmai: Get out and stay out Payton! You've picked your side and I'm staying on mine.

You watch a tear drop fall from his eye as he leaves. You get in the shower and just cry everything out.

In the morning

You get a text from your dad telling you to wake up Lena.

Asmai: Gosh.

You get up, put your bunny slippers on and go to her room.

Asmai: Get up. My dad's been texting you and you haven't answered.

Lena: Ever heard of knocking?

You leave the room without showing any energy.

Lena: What's wrong with her?

She says when you leave.

Asmai: None of your damn business.

You say from behind the door.

You put some sweatpants on and converse. You sit in the living room until everyone is ready.

Will: Asmai, this was the expensive dress I bought your mother. This dress is way too precious to go to waste so here.

He hands it to you.

Asmai: Thanks pops.

Everyone else comes down and now you all are ready to leave. Payton pulls you aside.

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