𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒆

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After a couple of hours you guys go back home.

Lucas: We have to meet in this direct spot at 6:00pm sharp.


You were in the bathroom dressing when you hear Payton on the phone again.

Payton: Yeah, Josh?.... It's going good, man.... We only met like a week ago but I'm really starting to fall for her.... Bro she isn't a hoe but I get it bros before girls.... I think I should too... Okay, bye.

You come out the bathroom.

Payton: Babygirl, you looking like a doll over there.

He says rubbing his hands in a funny way.

Asmai: What do you mean? I only have on a tshirt and bare face.

Payton: That's one fine ass doll in my opinion.

Asmai: Payton, you're too much.

You say laughing.

- 6:00pm

Payton: You ready?

Asmai: As much as I can be.

The whole crew walks into the somewhat dark streets.

Lena: This is so exciting!

Asmai: I know right!

You and Lena walk side by side while the boys walk together behind y'all.

Octo: So you like Asmai, huh?

Payton: Pssh, I- whaat? What makes you say that?

Octo raised an eyebrow.

Payton: You right don't answer that.

Lucas: Asmai isn't like others, Payton. She's tough like her father.

Payton: Trust me I know.

He gets a flash back of the night you two had sex. You were tugging on his hair and scratching deeply into his back but then he snaps out of it.

Payton: Anywho, where as Erin been?

Lena: I don't know. First Gills now Erin, what the hell is going on?

Will: Come on guys. This way.

You all follow him down into a blocked off abandoned underground train station.

Asmai: Pops, are you sure this is sanitary?

Lena giggles and pulls you down the steps.

Will: It's just down here.

He jumps onto the railroad tracks.

Lucas: What if a train comes, Will?

Will: This has been abandoned for year, Lucas. We're good.

You follow him into a deep dark tunnel when ....


Group of people: INTRUDER, INTRUDER!

Next thing you know you have lights shining bright in your faces and guns pointing at you.

You all put your hands in the air.

Will: No, no! We're here with M-

Suddenly a girl around your age comes up to him and punches him in the face.

Girl: Shut it!

Asmai: Aye!

You pick her knee into a kneel and put her in a head lock, arching her back.

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