𝑴𝒚 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒚

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You and Payton get far enough from the house.

Payton: What's bullshit?

Asmai: You didn't see them?

Payton: Who, Asmai?

Asmai: My mom, Payton!

He has a surprised look on her face.

Asmai: She was down at there HUGGING the fucking enemy, so yeah. It's bullshit!

Payton: Out of all people I wouldn't have thought Rossi...

Asmai: Everything is new around here I guess.

You guys reach the house. Everyone's chilling in the living room but jump up when you guys get back.

Payton: Dad!

Mike gives Payton a tight hug.

Mike: I missed you, son.

Then comes your criticism.

Octo: Asmai, where the hell did you go?

Lena: I told you to stay here! For your own safety!

Lucas: Asmai, you know I'm usually on your side but this...

Asmai: You're so worried about me, did you guys get anything done?

Lucas: No...

Asmai: Right! I got Payton back. Just be happy we all came back in one piece.

Octo: That's not even the point, Asmai.

Asmai: Guys, I'm not in the mood right now. Excuse me...

Octo steps into your path.

Octo: No, we have to talk about this-

Asmai: MOVE!

You say pushing past him.

Octo: What the hell?

Asmai: This whole world is hell!

You say before slamming your room door.

Lena: What is wrong with her?!

Payton: She hasn't had good news recently.

Lucas: Well, what's-

He gets interrupted by Will coming back in the house.

Will: Crew! You guys remember that high tech squad I mentioned before we got here? That they were gonna help with our next heist?

Lena: Yep...

Will: Well, they just called me and said that we could meet them tomorrow to discuss our heist.

Octo: Woo!

Lena: Always on the move, huh.

Will: Well, aren't you guys happy? We finally have some good action.

Payton: Sir-

You come out your room.

Asmai: Mom, betrayed us...

Everyone turns their attention to you. Will works his way past everyone to you.

Will: What...

Asmai: I saw her... With Ricardo.

Will: Maybe, maybe-

Asmai: Pops, she hugged him. She seemed happy...

Will: Oh...

Asmai: But, that's no reason to stop our progress. She's just out of the game!

Lucas: Yeah, Will. We got this.

Asmai: When do we meet them tomorrow?

Will: 7 pm.

Asmai: Good, it's pretty late now. Everyone rest up and we meet back before we leave, good?

Everyone nods in agreement and split off to their rooms.

Payton: That's fucked up...

You sigh.

Asmai: Sometimes life has to be shit before it gets better.

You say while changing your clothes.

Payton: Can we talk about earlier?

Asmai: What happen earl- Oh.

Payton: Yeah...

Asmai: I mean it was in the moment, right...

Payton: Asmai, seriously?

Asmai: What?

Payton comes closer. His height towering you.

Payton: We both know it wasn't in the moment...

Asmai: Pay, this isn't some fucking fairy tale, okay. We aren't just gonna fall in love like that.

Payton: So, you wanna fall in love with me, huh?

He says with a smirk crossing his arms.

Asmai: I never said that. What I'm trying to say is that in our world there is no love. It's all business...

Payton: But what if I want more than just business with you.

He says sitting on the bed pulling you close to him.

Asmai: Something can't happen if we both don't agree on it.

You say pulling away from him and going into the bathroom.

Payton: But we kissed... And I felt a spark there.

Asmai: Payton, we aren't in 6th grade. A simple kiss means nothing these days.

Payton: But-

Asmai: Maybe, I'm just no ready, or I'm scared. I have no clue, but don't push me.

Payton: Fine. Have it your way.

Asmai: Oh, darling. It always goes my way.

Payton's POV

Payton: Your way, huh?

I say to myself.

First person POV

I feel something brush across my leg and my stomach. I turn over and Payton full force starts making out with me.  I don't stop him because I had a feelings this was going to happen.

Third person POV

As before he slides between your legs and you wrap your arms around his neck. The kissing getting more intense. You take his shirt off and he takes off yours. He stops and smiles.

Payton: You're too beautiful...

He kisses down your neck, and starts kissing closer to your boobs. He leaves a hickey.

Asmai: Ahh...

You flip him over and now your on top of him. You unbuckle your bra and he looks in amazement.

Asmai: Largest B cup you've seen!

He starts kissing all over you and he lays you down. He kisses all over your stomach as he pulls down your shorts.

Payton: Might wanna bite your tongue.

He lifts your legs up over his shoulders and starts eating you out.

You start to moan but you cover your mouth so no one could hear.

Payton: That's my girl.

After a while he comes up and kisses your lips.

Payton: Did you like that?

You nod and smile. He lays on his back and you give him a blow job. Next thing you know you guys are having passionate, rough sex.

After a few rounds you guys stop completely.

Payton: Have a nice sleep, Princess. 

You guys cuddle up together and doze off.

This one is a bit different, huh... AHAHAH👀👉🏽👈🏽

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