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Asmai: He's probably playing the game too.

Dixie: But he likes you so why-

Payton: Hey guys!

He sits down next to Dixie also.

Asmai: Hey.

Payton: Is there literally no bathroom here?! I just keep barging into rooms filled with fucking so I gave up.

Asmai: Me too! And did you see the boy in boxers with the-

Asmai and Payton: Sombrero!

You both start laughing hard.

Payton: This is crazy. Hella people are gonna have STDs after this. I walked in on a foursome.

Dixie: Damn, Payton.

Payton: Shit was CRAZY.

- Later during the party

Asmai: This party is suppose to be for me and I'm not even having fun.

Josh: You didn't come dressed for the occasion either.

Says Josh walking over buckling his pants.

Asmai: Boy, you look like you just had a fuck fest.

He starts laughing.

Josh: Okay, okay I'll give you that one. That girl Zoe Lava Lamp? Bro, she can't ride for shiiiit!

You all start laughing heavily.

Asmai: Wow, even though this party isn't all that you guys are really fun to be around. I'll be right back.

You walk back into the kitchen for a snack when you see two bottles of pills on the counter. You were tempted to take some. You grabbed the bottle and just starred at it.

?: Put the bottle down, Asmai.

You look up to see your elementary crush, Jaden Hossler.

Asmai: I know, Jay. It's just-

He snatches the bottle.

Jaden: You look tempted and we can't have you do it again.

He puts his arm over your shoulder and sits back on the counter with you.

Jaden: All of this for you?

Asmai: I guess so.

Jaden: Let me guess, Layla said it would be a small gathering then you show up to this.

Asmai: Yep, that girl can always find an excuse to throw a party.

Jaden: Let's make a toast.

He hands you a shot glass.

Jaden: Don't worry its sprite.

The tightness in your chest disappears.

Asmai: Toast to?

Jaden: Everything good that has happened.

You both drink the shot and place the glasses on the table.

Jaden: So you coming to Fairfield for senior year?

Asmai: Eh, I sure hope so.

Jaden: Well, if you do I would want to be the first to welcome you.

He jumps off the counter.

Jaden: See you around, Mai!

You were getting off the counter when Payton walks up to you.

Payton: So, who was that.

Asmai: Jaden.

Payton: And who's Jaden?

Asmai: A friend.

You say walking past him.

Payton: Hey, why were you holding that pill bot-

Asmai: Too many questions, Payton.

Payton: Sorry.

Asmai: I honestly don't want to be here anymore and I feel like something bad is about to happen. Gather up your friends and meet me outside.

You cut through all the people and walk out the house with Payton and his friends following. Just as you thought trouble was here.

Layla's mom: Asmai! Why is there a party in my house?!

Asmai: Mrs.Greg, I have no idea. My friends and I here came to pick up some snacks because she said she had extra but clearly...

You look at the party then back at her.

Asmai: There aren't any.

Layla's mom: Oh, wait till she gets a piece of me!

She says walking past you into the house.

Josh: I thought you said there was trouble.

Asmai: Wait for it.


Everyone from the party starts running in different directions.

Jackson: You snitched?

Asmai: Nah, me and Layla have this thing going that if one tells on the other for something stupid the other gets to use it to their advantage and it goes back and forth forever.

Anthony: So what did you do?

Asmai: I broke my flat screen tv but I had already told on Layla for breaking her moms china dish.

Anthony: Oh.

Asmai: We can chill at my house if you want.

Josh: Nah, it's okay. Our uber is across the street and Payton this was fun we need to go out all together again.

Payton: Yeah, bro!

Dixie: And give little muffin my snap she seems cool.

You smile and wave as the uber drives off.

Asmai: They like me!

Payton: Pssh, why wouldn't they?

Asmai: Ugh, this night was fun but I'm sleepy.

Payton: Same.

Short and sweet for now

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