Tough night (Kyle Lowry × Demar DeRozan )

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*Kyle Lowry POV*

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*Kyle Lowry POV*

I remember it like it was yesterday. 2014, Game 7 to qualify for the finals against the Nets. I HATED him before that, I really, really did. We barely spoke for the 2 years we were on the same team. But when my game-winning shot was blocked I fell, and I stayed on the ground. I stayed on the ground sad, humiliated, angry... so many emotions just overwhelmed me. But, Demar kneeled down beside me and bent down telling me these exact words, "I don't give a shit if you made it or missed it, I'm riding with you no matter what." Ever since then, we were best friends. It just took a couple of words for him to catch me. He would dunk my shots, we would pass each other the ball. In almost every interview, we would mess with each other. Even in the hospital, I would facetime him and he'd make all the pain go away.

(see external link) But then, the trade happened. I was betrayed, he was betrayed. I tried to compress my emotions, but I couldn't. I was so angry and devastated and so was he. He's been with me and the Raptors for so many years. Too many to count- it was so horrible! Even the fans were crying! But the sadness was silenced with a championship.

Why am I recounting these moments? I feel a pat on my back. It's Siakam. "Yo K-Low, we got a game, remember?" Oh... That's why... I have a game against Demar, right. now. I sigh, slowly standing up. It's the first quarter, and the game is already getting heated. I can't stop looking at Demar. Every time I do, he flashes a smile that brings me back to the old days. It's weird, I've already had several games against him, but today, I keep zoning out.

The second quarter was even worse, I was guarding D, and we were eyeing each other. I have no idea what happened, but I stood straight and zoned out. "Psst. Kyle, are you good?" I shake my head. "I- Nah I'm good Deebo," I breathe. Loonie yells from the free-throw line, "Demar! Just dunk!" Demar looks back at Kyle, who is still looking off in the distance. "KLOW! I'm gonna dunk now-- are you there? Earth to Kyle.." Loonie comes in and calls for a pass. Demar throws it at him instead of taking the free dunk. Loonie takes the shot and it doesn't go in.

The coaches drag out Kyle and D-Roz out of the game subbing in the bench players. As I walk to the benches, Demar squeezes my shoulder, "You good Kyle?" I hesitate and sigh. "Meet me after the game, Double D?" Demar nods and pats my back.

We are both subbed in again at Quarter 4, I was doing well until I made a layup on Demar and fell on him. I feel the heat rush to my face as I quickly get up and lend a hand to Demar. He smiles and accepts as we rush back into the game. It was great, we were just playing ball. But the next thing I know, Mills and Ibaka are going at each other. I try to break it up but Derrick White punches me and I get furious. I join the fight until I feel someone grab my waist and pull me out. "He punched me! He punch-" Demar wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me in. He talks in my ear over the large crowd noises "Don't get into that Kyle, I'll talk to him later, trust me... Just don't get into fights, man."

*Demar POV*

I wasn't too worried about the fight until Kyle jumped in. I saw Kyle get punched by White and I was gonna shove Derrick away till Klow launched himself into the fight. Was I worried? OF F*%&ing COURSE! I plowed through the crowd of Refs and players and grabbed Lowry's waist.

.. continue...

"Kyle don't do that to me! You gave me a heart attack!" I say grabbing his shoulders. Kyle was breathing heavily and staring into my eyes. Just as cute as when I first saw him. "I- I did? I'm sorry Demar, I just-- Why didn't you dunk on me?" he suddenly asks. "What? Why didn't I- KYLE! That's not the point right now, are you okay?" I say slightly shaking his shoulders. "Yeah! Better than ever...! I mean your face, it looks good today haha..." I blush, did he really just genuinely say that?

Quarter 4 is finally done, the Raptors ended up winning, but I wasn't upset at all. Actually, I was happy?

*Bonus pics*

*Bonus pics*

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