Splash! Waterpark! (Steph x Klay)

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Sorry about the wait guys- It's been a busy week lol

*Steph POV*

The Golden State Warriors are on a 'vacation-season' you could say. But today, we are literally on vacation. We still need to keep up that team chemistry of course!

So, here we are, at a waterpark. Draymond, Wiggins, Chriss, Klay, the rest of the Roster and I are getting dressed into our swimsuits. Mind you, we have matching golden-blue shorts. Klay thinks it's lame but I personally like it, he says I'm being childish.

Draymond slung a water gun over his shoulders, laughing triumphantly. "Today, we may see the splash brothers... but you will also see a SPLASH KING!" he hollers. I snicker at that, "Who would this SPLASH KING be? Obviously not a peasant like you," I say, crossing my arms. Green grunted and points the water gun at me. Aha Whoops.

The cold water crashes against my bare skin as I flinch and brace. "Have mercy!" I scream feeling shivers travel throughout my body. Draymond laughs as he continues to press the trigger, GOOD GOD It's cold. Very cold. I feel an arm wrap around my waist and pull me backwards, away from the harsh cold spray of water. The strong arm wrapped around me is just about the only source of warmth hitting me right now. I relax from my braced position and blink up to see Klay shooting his own water gun at a laughing Draymond.

I pump my fist in the air in cheer, "Splash bros for liiife!" I yell, watching Draymond retreat behind Marquese. When Klay let go of my waist I smiled up at him gratefully. I don't know what exactly went through my mind, maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was the piercing cold water, but I placed my hand on Klay's broad chest and pecked him on the cheek. "My hero.." I sigh, half-joking, half-flirting.

Klay's light complexion immediately deepened into a rosy red, as he looked down on me in disbelief. I flash a grin as I feel my face heating up, and while Klay was dumbfounded I took the water gun in his hands and ran off after Draymond. "SPLASH KING MY ASS!" I yell making a jump towards Draymond and landing on Wiggins instead. I roll off of a stunned Wiggins and aim at Draymond's backside, "Gotcha, bitch" I whisper under my breath. My focus gets broken as Draymond whips around and shoots the middle of my face.

My eyes are squeezed shut as the water sprays into my mouth and nose. I drop the gun and run back to Klay coughing up some water. "KLAY MY NOSE! IT'S IN MY NOSE!" I whine. He snickers, handing me a towel. I dry up my face and blow out the water from my nose, while Klay pats my back. Man, what would I do without him?

Andrew hastily picks up the water gun, "We haven't even gone into the water park and you guys are all soaked!" he chuckles. I shiver, suddenly aware of the cold water dripping down my body, I jump and down and shake from the cold. "You're so weird, Wardell," Klay comments. "Me? Weird? Never!" I sarcastically imply.

*Klay POV*

I've been best friends with Steph for who knows how long... but those beautiful eyes, they never fail to strike me right in the heart. Those thoughts are for myself and myself alone, our friendship is too important to pursue any further. I can't risk telling him how I feel. It's fine the way it is, though my chest hurts a little at night thinking about it. Huh, only a little? I wish.

We walk out of the locker room. Steph grabs my hand and runs towards the nearest pool. The waterpark is huge, there are large colourful tunnel slides leading to one big pool. There's a couple of other pools, with swinging ropes, lily pads, climbing bars and there are even hot tubs.

I'm standing, basking in the largeness of the park when Steph tackles me into a pool. I gasp, but by the time I do, I'm practically inhaling water. I swim up to the surface and gasp stare at Wardell angrily. He flashes a pearly white smile and I can't help but soften my stare. His smile is so mesmerizing...

I could swim here for hours, staring into his eyes. Of course, Draymond had to interrupt the moment, "Y'all are as gay as D'Lo an' Andrew I swear!" I tense, breaking the eye contact and shoot Draymond a glare. Andrew blushed, "Errr... No?" he retaliated, sounding unsure if he was willing to admit it.

"Let's go on the slides!" Steph says, pulling at my arm. Draymond, Andrew, Steph and I all run towards the stairs that lead to the top of the largest slide. A couple of kids and teens stare at us, speechless and cameras begin to glare in our direction, but we were unfazed. At least we won't be seeing any annoying reporters in a waterpark. We finally make our way to the top of the slide, there's no lifeguard. "Ay, isn't there a person that's supposed to be timing this thing-- so we don't bump into each other and die or some shit?" Draymond asks, hesitant to approach the slide. "I'm sure we'll be fine, we can just time it ourselves, once the person gets to the bottom, the next can go," Wiggins says. We all agree on Wiggins' rule.

So, Draymond slides down first, letting out a scream as he drops down. "Hey! Steph Curry, Klay, Wiggins! TMZ!" A reporter screams, running up to us. Oh, what the hell? You're joking me. Steph leans into my ear, "Let's go, pretend you didn't notice them..." he chuckles, hurrying down the slide. We both jump down into the water slide laughing. I hear a bunch of fans running into the mouth of the slide after us "Wait- Guys, the rule-!" Wiggins yells.

"WoooHOOOO!" I plummet down the slide, behind me, several children hit my back. Ouch. Our combined weight forces us into a hard SPLASH in the water. I'm knocked out of my breath for a bit, being pushed to the bottom of the pool by the weight of people crashing behind me. Thanks to my swimming skills, I was able to swim back up and heave a large breath. I have never loved oxygen more in my life. I see Draymond coughing on the sidelines and some kids struggling to the sides of the pool. Well, now we know why there should only be one person at a time.

Wait- where's Steph? I look around the pool, only to see several people catching their breath, Draymond coughing up some water, Wiggins splashes downwards with a worried face. "Is anyone hurt?" he asks, worry overruling his anger. I look around again, I tense up and start to panic. "Andrew! Where the fuck is Steph?" Andrew raises his eyebrows, "I thought he was with you!?" I grab my head in shock, "We got separated by the horde of fans down the slide!" I yell, I rarely lose my cool, but right now I'm full-on panic mode.

I dive into the bottom of the pool, dodging the kicking legs and trying to ignore the chlorine stinging my eyes. And then I see him, knocked out in the middle of the harsh waters. I plunge towards him, every muscle of my body seems to strengthen as I grab his body and swim towards the surface. I suck in a deep breath, almost forgetting I needed to breathe and push his body beside a dazed Draymond.

Draymond's eyes immediately bulge in shock as he tries to shake Steph awake. To no avail, Steph lays there, pale, almost lifeless. Wiggins runs out of the pool to call a lifeguard, "Wiggins there ISN'T any lifeguard on duty RIGHT NOW, IDIOT!" Dray yells. "Fuck that," I growl, I climb over Steph and with no hesitation, start a mouth to mouth procedure. I plant one hand on his chest and as my other hand pinches his nose. I can't believe this is how my first kiss with Steph goes down, but screw it. I bend down and connect my lips with his, inputting as much air as I can into his lungs. I feel him twitch under me as I go for another blow. I feel him grab my arm and move his face to the side, coughing vigorously.

That's when my senses come back, I realize the crowd around us, the cold water dripping down my body, Steph's chest heaving in and out, catching his breath, the colour returning to his face. Draymond leaps up in relief and runs around the park cheering. Wiggins finally lets out a sigh after holding his breath. The crowd erupts in cheer.

Steph blinks at me in shock, "Klay, did you just..." I gulp as he sits up, I quickly grab his arm to make sure he is balanced. I pull him into a hug, and he hugs back. Draymond drapes a towel over us, and instead of removing the towel from over our heads, I stare into Steph's eyes. The bright lights of the park still streak through the thin towel causing a shine in his hazel eyes. I smile and he attacks me with a kiss. I grab his waist and he grabs my chin as I melt into the kiss. He laughs, "Maybe we should continue when we're not in public," he whispers tugging at the towel. I pull down the towel and squint, sensitive to the light. Trying not to be obvious, I lean down to his neck and whisper, "That would be nice, babe." His face goes red at that as he punches my shoulder.

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