(18+) COCO-nut! (LeBron x Kyrie)

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@Kyronie is so thirsty for this ship that she requested some "specific" stuff and I- 😂 aahhh

Kyrie and LeBron are already in a relationship, but sometimes 'Daddy's' punishments go a bit too far...

Kyrie was either going to sign with the Lakers, Knicks, Celtics or Nets. With the Knicks, they were still a couple years from rebuilding. The Celtics had problems as well, but they were never too bad. Kyrie was only trying to leave because his boyfriend was getting suspicious of the way Jayson and Gordon eyed Irving like a fresh batch of grandma's chocolate chip cookies.

Kyrie and Bron had several arguments on the topic. Kyrie would argue that Nets had more space and was willing to pay him more. At the same time, the Nets was close to home. Irving who has spent a majority of his childhood in New Jersey had even attended a nets game with his father.

Plus, he'd be near family, family was always very important to Ky. On the other hand, LeBron would argue that joining the Lakers would make them both strong contenders for the 'ship. And of course, Kyrie and LeBron would be able to spend time together.

"You just wanna sign with KD!" LeBron yelled, insecurities being exposed.

"LeBron. Kevin is my friend. And Brooklyn is 20 minutes away from my hometown!" Irving said, defending himself.

"Sure KD is your friend and you go and stick with him over me in All-Star weekend huh?" LeBron grabbed Kyrie's arm, dark eyes glinting with anger. Kyrie pulled away from his strong grip, backing away.

"Why can't you TRUST me LeBron!?" Kyrie growled. Frustrated at LeBron's distrust and accusations he stormed out of the house and ignored all his upcoming texts and calls.

That was the last argument they had before Kyrie was to make a decision.

*Kyrie Irving POV*

My mind was so clouded with anger from the earlier argument that I immediately chose the Nets. No, I did not think of the consequences of my actions, yes I really pulled another Kyrie 2017-18 move... A classic Kyrie signature: Disobeying Bron.

But who fucking cares? Bros before hoes. I'd be with my best friend Kevin.

Another part of me, that isn't chaotic with anger tugs at my heart with anxiety, knowing that I'll regret this decision. That little voice nags at me and reminds me how much I would love to win another championship with LeBron. Sweet, Sexy, Chocolate, Rock-hard abs, Warm, Strong, Energetic, Cute, Charismstic LeBron.

But it's too late, the paper is already signed. I sigh, instantly regretting my stupid decision.

LeBron will beat my ass for sure. Last time he punished me was after this one game, I don't even remember who it was but I had to grind up against somebody's groin to make the shot. I was just playing ball but LeBron thought otherwise, because later that night my ass was red with Bron's hand imprints as he fucked me into outer space.

It felt good, really fucking good. Don't get me wrong, the slaps stung badly. I wince just thinking about it, a shiver running down my back. They hurt a lot, but the way Bron's large member slicked and vibrated into my prostate is the highlight of that night.

The problem now is, I'm stuck in LA with nowhere to go. I was staying at Bron's but, I'm too scared to visit him at the moment.

So, I take a walk in the LA streets, traffic as usual, it's getting dark. Dark and Cold. My jaw clenches and my fingers clatter as the cold seeps into my body. I feel a rough hand grab my arm with so much force, I yelp out in pain.

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