(18+)(7) Rookie week (Kyle x DeMar) (Paul George x Kyrie)

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//Big chapter! Extra-long!!...I divided this chapter by the ship-- not all ships in rookie week are in here (but they'll get their own smut eventually- ;) // If you don't like smut; don't worry, I'll put a warning before anything starts so you can skip it! :) PS. SOOO Sorry this came out soo late! I had a lot of school stuff to deal with lol..

*Kyrie POV*

They both released their grip on me, and I finally relaxed. That is until I realized it was Ben's turn to answer the question, Ben Simmons who sat just 2 seats away from me. Fuck. In my lap, my hands ball into fists and my shoulders tense upwards.

The whole room stared at Ben. "Uh, well," his Australian accent slipped and he quickly cleared his throat, "Oubre," he said, sounding a bit TOO sure of himself. I looked across the room and Kelly Oubre sat there, face red, in silence. Some of his wavy hair fell onto his face, covering his flustered features. It's usually hard to find him speechless, but I guess at this moment, he was.

Gordon folded his arms, his bright blue eyes darted around, and landed on me. He was trying to look for somebody else in the room that he could pick, from what I could tell. He was nervous and I felt guilt sear through my soul, "It's okay, you can pick me. I'll make sure Paul doesn't kill you" I whispered to him, smiling. He untensed a bit, "Um, Kyrie..." he breathed after a moment.

Everyone in the room seemed surprised, "I thought you hated him after that trade!" Jimmy said, ruffling his own hair. Gordon wiped the moisture off of his forehead, "No. I just..." he sighed, "I know it was all for business, even though he promised he'd stay with me. He wanted to go back home."

Tension builds up in the air, "I'm sorry," I quickly say, I feel like a jerk now. No wonder the Celtics fans hate me. "Hey, Ky, don't feel bad man," Chris says, from across the room. I can barely even see his face because of the steam but I nod anyways.

LeBron lifts his eyebrow, "So who do you pick, Irving?" I hear whispers split across the room. "G-Gordon or PG13," I stutter, I quickly put a hand over my mouth, embarrassed of my nervousness. Ugh, why am I such a wreck?

"Bro it's a love triangle!" Russell laughs, I shrug, "I guess you could say that." "Wait you can only choose one," Butler demands. I stretch my arms out in disbelief, "Dray picked like 5 people!" Draymond laughed at that, "Actually it was like 4," Dray said with a 'matter-of-factly' voice. I smile and roll my eyes.

"Okay, Okay... but who does PG choose?" CJ asks, Paul intensely narrows his eyes at Gordon, "Kyrie," he says, firmly. He looks like he's about to attempt murder, so I carefully place my hand on his and look up at him with a pleading look. Paul sinks back into his seat, huffing angrily.

--Time skip, mostly everyone back in the hotel--

I'm pacing the hotel room "Well, Jimmy. You're my best friend. Who would you pick?" Jimmy lays flat on my hotel bed, crumpling the white sheets, he lazily looks up at me, "Well you HAVE to favor ONE... What if you only like Gordon because you feel guilty?" My eyes widen, "I didn't think of it like that..." I murmur, "but he SAVED my life...!" I exclaim.

Jimmy sunk into the pillows, "Yeah but, that's even more reason GUILT could play a factor in this," he pointed out. He sits up, and looks at me, "I know for a fact you like your men chocolate," he teases. I fold my arms and knit my eyebrows, frowning, "It's not about the looks Butler."

Jimmy chuckles, "Sure it's not." Jimmy springs up and heads towards the door, he yawns. "I'm going to sleep, see you later Ky," he says poking the door open, I cup my hands around my mouth and yell, "Sweet dreams, Jimmy Butthead!" I hear him grunt as he makes his way through the hallway.

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