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Request by: No one. I just saw this prompt on Tumblr and wanted to write it :)

Warnings: Unsympathetic Patton, deadnaming

Info: Logan is trans ftm

Let's do this!

¨Patton, why the hell would you say that?!¨ Virgil screamed.

¨All I said was that if Alice wants people to think she's male, maybe losing some weight would help her with that!¨ Patton said, an innocent look on his face.

¨His name is Logan and you know that!¨ 

¨Her name is Alice. Why would you call her anything else?¨

¨Because he wants to be called Logan, you jerk!¨ 

Virgil stormed down the hall to Logan's room, which now had a hole punched through the door, in the place where Logan had painted the words ¨Alice's room. Do NOT disturb¨ Many years earlier.

Logan was doing breathing exercises on the floor, tears flooding down his face. Virgil approached him carefully, like he was a hurt animal.

Logan looked at Virgil and shook his head. ¨I'm a worthless piece of garbage. That's all I am ever going to be. This is probably all for attention.¨

Virgil sighed. ¨I don't think you would be reacting this way if you were just doing it for attention.¨

¨Am I just going to be a fat, disgusting girl named A-Alice my whole life?¨ Logan asked. Virgil couldn't tell if Logan was asking himself of him.

Either way, Virgil wanted to answer. Because Logan was so much more than that. And he wanted him to know.

¨No chance.¨ Virgil kissed him on the forehead. ¨Because you're already the most handsome man I've ever met.¨

I know, I know. It's short. But I wanted to write it so... you're stuck with this garbage fire now. Ha.

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