Chapter 4- The Innocent

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"Is something in your pocket, Noah," he said and I froze. My cock was rock hard in my shorts and pressed into his side.

"Uhh!" I scrambled back from his hold and rolled away from him to conceal it.

"Oh," he said as realization hit him and a thin smile crept across his lips. 

"I should go. I forgot I have homework," I sat up on his bed and kept my back towards him as I looked around for my shoes.

"We had homework?" Navid asked and I realized my story wouldn't hold since we had the same summer class together.

"Uh, something else. I..." I was horrified.

I felt my heart thumping in my ears as I tried to think of a way out of this. But then I felt his hand on my arm. He had scooted towards me on the bed. He pulled me back and around to face him.

"It is ok, Noah Kinney. I know about boys who are confused like you. You do not need to feel ashamed." His face was inches from mine like he wanted to kiss me, but I didn't dare make a move.

My heart was beating so fast and my head felt light.

"You don't understand yet. You are an innocent," he assured me with the kind of smile you give someone who needs cheering up.

"I'm sorry, Navid. I don't know why I lose control with you. I am so sorry. Please don't hate me. I will go home," I sighed. 

I lowered my eyes to his lap then and saw that his bulge was thickening up and spreading over across his thigh.

"You want it. You don't know why, do you?" He whispered.

I shook my head. He lifted my chin so our eyes met. He took my hand and placed it along the top of his cock outline as he studied my eyes. I gripped the fat shaft as a smile creased his lips.

"You feel what you do to me? I like you too." he said and then traced his tongue along my jaw. I closed my eyes and trembled in his arms.

"Beautiful light boy... so innocent. You want me, Noah? You want to please me?" Navid tickled my earlobe with his tongue as I melted.

"Yes sir," I whispered and nodded, finally admitting out loud what I wanted from him.

He kept his hand over mine as it held on to his bulge. He pushed my fingers so they gripped his shaft and then moved my hand to jerk him.

I looked down and saw a spot of precum had formed on his boxer briefs and was spreading quickly. A little of the juice leaked through the material and I desperately wanted to taste it.

"You are a good boy, Noah. You want to taste me, but you wait for instruction. You know to only take what is offered, sweet boy." Navid whispered in his low, commanding tone that made my body shake in his arms. 

He rubbed my back gently as our chests pressed together.

A knock on the door snapped us out of it and one of the guys called out something in Persian to him. Navid answered and then got off the bed and left me there. 

He slid on a pair of loose shorts and went out to get our food.

I laid back against his bed to catch my breath as my cock sun-dialed up towards the ceiling. 


He came back a few minutes later with two cartons and a large plastic mat.

I scrambled to sit up and hide my shame. I couldn't look at him. I focused on his feet, dark and muscled with a trail of black hair down the center and sprinkled over his toes. Even that part of him was exotic and filled me with lust.

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