Butterflies - Prinxiety

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AU: All 4 of them are living in the same house because it's cheaper

Ships: Prinxiety

TW: Lots of fluff, reeeaaaalllyyyy sappy near the end

Prompt: above (disclaimer - I do not own this art)


Third person POV

For some peculiar reason, the one time Virgil actually needed Roman, he wasn't there. In fact, he hasn't made a single attempt to annoy him all morning which was highly unusual. Wondering what this could mean, Virgil walked outside one more time and was about to go back in when he noticed a dash of red behind the white rose bushes that were on the edge of the field. Virgil wandered if it could be Roman's crimson sash. Of course, Virge could simply walk over to Roman but after searching for him the whole afternoon Virgil decided to sneak up on him instead to get at least some revenge for all the exercise he had to endure.

Silently, he crept up to the bushes and peeked though an opening in the leaves. The sight in front of him, however, was very different to what he had expected. Roman was sitting against a tree, a look of pure happiness on his face. He was wearing a simple yet stunning flower crown made from white roses with a red rose behind his ear. He giggled softly as birds jumped around him examining him curiously, some of the more courageous ones edging closer to him, warily at first, then settling themselves on his shoulders and legs.

Virgil was so preoccupied with this beautiful sight that he didn't notice his cat, who followed him, until it brushed against him. With a small squeak, Virgil jumped up and turned around. His foot got caught on a small branch and he stumbled backwards and fell through the bushes. When Virgil opened his eyes, he realised that Roman was kneeling next to him with a concerned expression.

'You okay Virge?' - he asked.

'Um... Yeah, yeah I'm fine.' - Virgil tried to untangle himself from the branches but somehow made it even worse.

'Hang on, don't move, I'll try.'

Roman began removing thorns from Virgil's clothes. Soon enough Roman pulled Virgil up with a smirk.

'Were you spying on me?'

'What? No, n-no, of course not I was just... looking for you.' - as soon as the words left his mouth, Virgil blushed even more realising how this sounds.

'Well, you found me.'

Roman's smirk grew even bigger, making Virgil even more agitated. Noticing his discomfort Roman chuckled slightly to himself. Then he suddenly sat back down and looked at Virgil expectantly.

'Well, are you waiting for an invitation?'

He patted the grass next to him and smiled up at Virgil.

'Uh, okay then.'

Virgil carefully lowered himself next to Roman, being cautious not to sit too close. He leaned against the tree, slightly more relaxed.

'So, what did you need me for?' Roman asked, tilting his head slightly at Virge.

'It doesn't really matter, just got bored and wanted to annoy you.'

'Now that you found me, I'm completely at your disposal my chemically imbalanced romance~' Roman winked at Virge, just the normal playful banter. Virgil, however, at this point was very annoyed at Roman for making him blush and stutter so he decided to flirt back, just to see what happens. Purely for scientific reasons.

'Completely? Hm, don't you think that may not turn out well for you~'

Roman's eyes widened slightly as he was taken aback by Virgil's boldness but quickly regained his composure and decided to play along just for the sake of it. Not because he liked it when Virgil flirted with him. Of course not.

'Ah, if I understand correctly what you're saying then it might turn out better than you think~'

Instead of answering, Virgil just lay back against the tree with a soft smile. Roman had no idea what to think, so he just stared down at Virgil, imagining what it would be like if only he was brave enough to say what he felt.

After a few moments Virgil looked back at Ro, not able to stay calm anymore while feeling Roman's gaze on him.

'What?' he asked, raising his eyebrows. 'Am I that handsome that you have to stare at me?' he asked jokingly.

'Yes.' Roman's face was completely serious.


Roman seemed to just realise what he said. He immediately started scolding himself but his thoughts were interrupted by Virgil again.

'Not to boost your ego or anything but you're not so bad yourself princey.' Virgil couldn't believe his own bravery but he had nothing to lose already so he continued. 'Of course, you probably have tonnes of people tell you that everyday but one more reminder won't hurt.'

'Wow, I... thank you. You're right, I do get complimented a lot but it feels very different coming from you.'


'Because your opinion matters more.' At this point Roman was tired of hiding his feelings. He just wanted to say everything, even if the outcome wasn't what he had hoped for. (WARNING a lot of VERY sappy fluff)

'Virgil, I don't know how you feel towards me, you might hate me for all I know, but I just wanna say that you're really special to me. I know I'm the romantic one but I honestly don't know what to say because I feel so much. I would do anything for you, grant any of your wishes. I just care about you so much and I will do anything I can to make you happy.'

For a moment Virgil was silent, thinking about what Roman just said.

'Anything?' he quietly whispered in Roman's direction.


'Then be my boyfriend.'

Roman was shocked, he couldn't believe what he just heard.

'You... want to date me?'

'Is that so hard to believe? I mean, who wouldn't. You're handsome, kind, funny, you can be a bit of an idiot sometimes but it's a package deal.'

Before Virgil could insult him more, Roman cupped Virgil's face and gently kissed him.

'And you are an absolute emo nightmare.'

Roman pulled Virgil closer and for some time the sat together, watching the butterflies rush about as the sun began to set.


'Hmm?' Virgil tilted his head slightly.

'Remember how you said that you would grant any of my wishes?'

'Of course I do, love.'

'Promise me that we will have more moments like this?' Roman smiled gently while playing with Virgil's hair.

'I promise.' Virgil sighed contently.

'I love you, princey'

'Love you too, stormcloud'


A/N:  So I'm new to Wattpad but I've read quite a lot of fanfic on here and decided to give it a go. I'll do a few more chapters and then I'll do a chapter on myself because I need to feed my ego. Anyway there's a second part to this coming soon. I know this is really sappy but I just needed some fluff in my life. I'll upload part 2 (Logicality) as soon as I can but so far it's still in progress. I promise I'll do some other ships next. See y'all soon!



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