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AU: human? I guess

Ships: none

TW: none to my knowledge


Roman's beauty was an obvious trait. It was the first thing most people noticed about him. It didn't matter if he wasn't their type or even their desired gender, everyone could agree that he was handsome. To some he looked sexy, to others his flawless beauty was just aesthetically pleasing. Even Virgil, back when they were enemies, was always subconsciously aware of Roman's princely looks. Those that got to know him saw even more of his beauty. His astounding bravery, the way he carried himself, the charming way in which he spoke, all of this made his friends jokingly wonder if he was some secret royal or some long lost prince of a fairytale kingdom.

Virgil's beauty was different, and often harder to see for those who didn't try. At first glance he was just a moody overgrown teenager with walls around him that were impossible to break. But once they are broken, his true nature shyly presents itself. He was caring and patient with those he cared about. He was there to comfort them when they had nowhere else to turn, trying his best to give them advice but in the meantime helping them find a distraction and a way to calm down. He was always there to patiently listen, even if he didn't know how to help. His friends could always rely on him to help them through a panic attack or anxious thoughts.

Patton's beauty shone brightly in a way that everyone could see. His appearance wasn't what attracted people's attention - though he was also extremely adorable - it was his sincere smile that he was willing to give to every stranger that passed by. His optimism affected everyone around him, no matter where he went. He was also caring but in a different way to Virgil. He was the parent of the group, making sure everyone was happy, going out of his way to brighten their day. He was always there for others when they were confused about their feelings, when they wanted advice or affection that their parents were not willing to give them, or when they just wanted a warm hug.

Logan's beauty was unusual and strange in a way that most people didn't understand. He wasn't the affectionate type, nor was he someone people found comforting to be around when they were upset, but contrary to popular belief he wasn't unsympathetic or emotionless. Logan was fascinated by the world. The way everything worked in harmony, yet still often colliding, intrigued him. He loved learning about the inner mechanics of this world and sharing that knowledge with those who were willing to listen. He loved the way nature fought back when pressured by humans, he loved all the living things that he knew about and he was curious about the creatures that have not yet been discovered, certain that he would love them too. His beauty lay in his love for nature, a side of him that most people never got to witness.

Janus' beauty was in his protective nature. He knew what it was like to be different, to be an outcast. He always knew if someone was faking emotions, he'd done that many times before. He may have not been as approachable as Patton or as calming as Virgil but he was always there to give honest and reasonable advice, to be a guide for those who needed it most. He never accepted their gratitude publicly, not wanting to seem soft, but he never turned away anyone in need of help, no matter how small the situation or how severe the potential outcome.

Remus didn't think there was any beauty in him. He wasn't princely or charming like his brother or nature-loving like Logan, he wasn't soft and approachable like Patton or calming like Virgil, nor was he a guide for those in need like Janus. He didn't realise, however, that there was beauty in him, something that has inspired many around him. His ability to just be himself, to not care if he was getting weird looks from strangers for his choice in outfits or if people degraded his unusual interests, this was his unusual beauty. His bold decisions and his way of living like tomorrow would not come, his dismissive attitude toward those who shamed him was what made people adore and admire him, encouraging them to do the same.


A/N: Yes hello hi, I'm still alive. I hope y'all enjoy this, I think I actually really like writing platonic/non-romantic fics so there'll hopefully be more of those (as well as romantic ones obviously because I'm lonely), unless I disappear again for a while which is highly likely since exams are coming up soon.

Anyways, I also started writing a Roceit/Analogical coffee shop AU (shhhhh I know it's cliche) so check it out when I post it. Let's hope I actually have motivation to at least finish the first chapter.

Welp, I hope you enjoyed whatever this was



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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