Just a nosebleed

68 1 0

AU: Thomas' mind

Ships: Slight Deemus

TW: Blood, cursing, a bit of weird/disturbing imagery

Prompt: (above)


Deceit walked in, his hands covered in dried blood. He was quite surprised that no one noticed him but all the other sides were busy: Virgil was curled up on the sofa scrolling through tumblr, Roman and Logan were loudly debating which Disney film is better while Patton attempted to calm them down.

'Uhh, guys help. Anyone know how to wash blood off your hands? I tried everything but nothing works.'

The others didn't seem to hear him. Virgil had headphones on and was probably listening to MCR on full volume and the others were too engrossed in their debate.


This finally got their attention, even Virgil's, who was still wearing headphones. Then, a number of things happened at the same time: Patton screamed and jumped behind Roman who immediately whipped out his sword and stepped protectively in front of Pat, Logan stepped back in surprise, and Remus suddenly appeared out of nowhere, intrigued by Patton's scream. Deceit, realising what this must look like, immediately started explaining.

'OH NO, I just realised how this sounds. I just had a really big nosebleed, I didn't murder anyone or anything like that.'

'Are you sure about that?' asked Roman, still slightly wary but mostly amused.

Patton was still hiding behind Roman, but mostly just because he doesn't like the sight of blood. Logan already remained his composure and was sitting down next to Virgil while continuing the book he was reading before he got interrupted by Roman.

'If you want to get rid of that, I would suggest using hydrogen peroxide. It would simply dissolve the blood.'

'Or I could lick it off you, darling~' Remus whispered to Deceit, but loudly enough so all the other sides heard. Deceit just rolled his eyes, after a year of dating Remus he was pretty used to comments like that.

'I really don't have time for your weird kinks today Re.'

'If someone chugs a gallon of hydrogen peroxide, would that dissolve all of their blood?' Virgil said to no one in particular.

'Was that a rhetorical question or do you want me to answer?' Logan replied.

'Guys, stop!' Patton pleaded, very distressed by the whole situation.

Deceit just sighed.


A/N: Heyyy, so this is just a small thing that I wrote in my spare time. It's not much but here ya go. I promise I'll post the second part of 'Butterflies' in the next week or so and I'll be posting other ships soon hopefully so stay tuned.



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