Auditions/ dress rehearsals

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18th July 1987

"The people who we have decided to take on for the bad tour are... Sheryl Crow...Olivia West and..."

After my name, I went deaf. I couldn't believe I would be touring with MICHAEL JACKSON.
This tour will be on for 16 months and for that 16 months I'll be with Michael Jackson every single day of it. Working closely with him, how crazy is that?!

"You are set to be at dress rehearsals  tomorrow at 11am... I'm happy to be given the chance to announce this to you" Frank nods and walks out. Ah, Frank. Michael's manager, I've heard so much shit about him.
I can't believe this.

"I can't believe it!" Sheryl said coming up to me "we're touring with the biggest star on the planet!!" She exaggerated making me chuckle "it's mad I know" I nod sighing blissfully.
"I'm deffo gonna get him in bed before half way through the tour" she stated cockily, I raised a brow and almost chocked on my own spit.

"Well um.. that's great" I laugh awkwardly and turn around walking off.

19th July 1987
Day after;

19th July 1987              Day after;

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After I get dressed I jump in my car and drive to the dance studio where Frank informed us all to meet yesterday day

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After I get dressed I jump in my car and drive to the dance studio where Frank informed us all to meet yesterday day.
When I find a parking place and walk up the the building, I get greeted by a man on the door.
"Name please, Ms" he smiled at me softly, I automatically smile back "Olivia West" I reply, he smiles again then looks down his notepad and ticks off my name.
"I'll show you where you're supposed to go" he informs me opening the door and letting me walk through.
I smile and nod at him "Thank you!" I say as I walk past him. I carry on walking into the reception and he soon follows me taking over and showing me to a dance studio where Michael music is blasting through the speakers.
"Thank you sir," I smile up at him before opening the door
"Call me Tommy" he laughed softly "nice meeting you Olivia!" He nodded and walked away.
I walked in the dance studio and I feel like all eyes are on me, which makes me feel really awkward.

I glance around at everyone in the studio and just smile, not at any one in particular though.

Michael's PoV:
I was talking to Sheryl when another girl walked in... she looked so young. She looks so sweet. So innocent as well.
"Who is she??" I question Sheryl.
"Oh that's Olivia, the other female back up singer" Sheryl said softly while smiling at me.
"Wow," I breathed while whispering "she's- she looks so—"

"Young" Sheryl finished off my sentence "umm— yeah" I nodded awkwardly with laughter.
"She's only 17" Sheryl stated "aw really?" I coo "she's such a baby" I pouted while glancing over at the new girl.
"Yeah, she is. So stay away" Sheryl scoffed and walked away.
Is that woman for real?
I shook my head and made my way over to the new girl to introduce myself.

"Um— I'd say water is the better and healthier option" I said wittily while stood behind the new girl as she picks up a can of Pepsi.
She chuckled and turned around to face me, our eyes connected immediately and I felt my stomach do a 360 degree turn.
Her ice was so blue.. so icy, so mesmerising.

"Nice to meet you, Mr Jackson" she held out her hand for me to shake.
I smile softly showing my teeth, licking and biting my lip gently. Beauty and she has respect.. this couldn't get any better.
"Oh please, call me Michael.. you are??" I asked taking the offer up on to shake her hand

"Olivia West.." she said softly removing her hand from mine. I frowned at the loss of connection "pretty name" I complimented making her laugh shyly "thank you" she said softly
"I heard you're 17.. is that right??" I wondered looking at her.
She nodded with a small smile as she opened up her can of Pepsi "yeah it is. I just turned 17 actually"

My eyes widened "you really are so young.. when was your birthday?" I said with a smile
"My birthday was the 16th July.. so only a few days ago" she shrugged and looked around "this place his huge" she added.
I laughed looking around too "yeah it is.. I don't like studios this big though. I prefer my studio back at home"

She nodded "is that one a lot smaller??"
I nodded with a smile "yeah it's pretty small.. it's where I invented the moon walk.. where I rehearsed for Thriller. So it's quite a important place to me" i told her. I don't know why but I feel like I can trust her with anything.

She smiled widely "that's sweet, at least you have something you deem as a safe haven"
I nodded totally agreeing with her "I love Hayvenhurst.. but I also can't wait to get a place of my home"
She frowned when I said that "you still live at home?? Aren't you like thirty??"

I laugh loudly earning a few glanced from people in the studio. I think that's sweet, she doesn't really know much about me illustrating how I can trust her, as she's not an obsessed fan who will do me over in a few months/ years time.

"Nooo, well nearly" I frowned thinking about it "that's scary though, but no, I'm only twenty eight" I laughed slightly
"You're olddddd" she joked taking a sip of her drink making me chuckle
"At least I still arent a baby" I shrug nonchalantly making her raise an eyebrow at me sassily "I'd rather be a 'baby' than be old and nearly in my thirties" she sarcastically replies making me giggle.

I just know that we are gonna get on like a house on fire.

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